Author: david

  • Statehood for Iraq?

    Today, US Maj. Gen. Peter Chiarelli put “an American face” on the most fateful decision shaping the future of Iraq. Per this AP story… Commander: Fight with Al-Sadr Not Over AP, 9/2/04 “The fight with renegade Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr is not over and the U.S. military must retake his stronghold in Baghdad’s Sadr City…

  • UN Peacekeepers Needed to Separate US Forces from Iraqis

    The worst violence in Iraq is consistently touched off in places where there is contact between the opposing forces. If UN peacekeepers (perhaps recruited from predominately Christian nations) could just contain the Americans in unpopulated areas, violence could be curtailed. Another possibility would be to allow US troops into the cities and evacuate the Iraqis.…

  • DEA Dogs Busted!

    The DEA is scrambling to explain reports that a number of dogs in its employ have been found sniffing drugs.

  • Bush’s 20 Electoral College “Bonus Votes”

    Here’s a bit of arcane, but consequential US Civics: One of the ways the Electoral College is skewed is that states don’t get Electoral votes in proportion to their population. There are 435 votes allocated by population, according to the number of seats the state has in the Hose of Representatives. Then each state gets…

  • The National Guard: He Wanted It to Be a Surprise!

    Democrat ‘Ashamed’ He Helped Bush, AP, 8/29/04 “Bush…has said he received no special treatment and did not seek help to be admitted to the Guard….” “White House spokesman Scott McClellan said….’This was fully covered and addressed five years ago. It is nothing new.’ “Five years ago, Barnes’s lawyer issued a statement saying Barnes had been…

  • to NYT: “A serious lapse in editorial command!”

    [I sent this as a Letter to the Editor of the NYT. today] You said, accurately, in your editorial, “The Road to Confrontation in Najaf,” 8/21/04… “[This] showdown began…because of serious lapses in the American military command structure in Iraq….when a newly arrived Marine Expeditionary Unit in Najaf started skirmishing with Moktada al-Sadr’s Shiite militia…

  • Najaf Optimism Counseled

    US intelligence sources have good news about the coming assault on the Imam Ali Mosque in Najaf: –US troops entering the shrine are likely to be greeted with cheers by the militia members holding out inside. –The building itself will be protected from battle-damage by America’s new GARDOL Anti-Missile Shield. –US diplomat Paul Bremer will…

  • The Uneven Bar

    I don’t want to diminish anybody’s accomplishments with my expertise, but some of these contestants were VERY lucky there was another bar to grab on to.

  • Olympics

    I follow the Olympics very closely, and I notice that the race this year between the Golds, the Silvers, and the Bronzes is, as always, incredibly close–which makes it very exciting. My problem is don’t you get the feeling everyone is trying just a little bit too hard?

  • Quote without Comment

    “Still, the phenomenon of Iraqis being shot simply because they are in the wrong place at the wrong time has been a recurring problem for the Americans.” Sadr City Sings Its Praises of Cleric, LA Times, 8/22/04

  • Undercovered #2

    “[J]just 5% of Jordan’s 11,000-truck fleet was ferrying supplies to Iraq–down from 85% before the U.S.-led 2003 invasion.” Article

  • Undercovered #1

    “US and Iraqi government forces have been forced out of Falluja, with the fighters of the insurgency now dominating Ramadi and Samarra and both sides fighting for control of Mosul.” Article

  • Sovereign Power in Iraq

    “Nobody is taking Sadr at his word,” [US national security advisor Condoleezza Rice said]. “He’s someone from whom you have to see action. He said lots of words before. He has never followed through on them. And I don’t think you’re going to see an Iraqi government that’s going to take his word.” Sadr “can’t…

  • Cut the Roaming, Please!

    Conflict in Najaf Dominates Iraq Political Meet, Reuters, 8/16/04 “Residents said the holy city was tense as Shi’ite militia loyal to radical cleric Moqtada al-Sadr roamed the streets….” “Roaming the streets.” What is it with them? They’re always doing that! Why can’t they be like Americans? We just walk around.

  • Do you want some bureaucrat in Washington…

    Sites Could Face Shortage of Cleanup Money, NYT, 8/16/04 Around the Omaha Lead site…there are thousands of house yards where lead contamination is suspected to be two or three times greater than the level considered safe…; delaying financing is likely to mean delaying the sampling of yards and identification of hazards. Do you want some…

  • Legacy Admissions to Economic Life

    Columnist Roland Martin recently asked George Bush about preferential treatment in college admissions. (Article) Martin: “If you say it’s a matter of merit and not race, shouldn’t colleges also get rid of legacy?” Bush: “If what you’re saying is, is there going to be special treatment for people – in other words – we’re going…

  • An Acrobatically Deceptive SpIn

    To my ear, this whole article from the NYT gives the overall impression of a clean slate for higher ups at Abu Ghraib. At Abuse Hearing, No Testimony That G.I.’s Acted on Orders NYT 8/06/04 “Witnesses…,have described…[p]risoners were left naked for long periods as punishment and were at least occasionally abused, in one case leading…

  • Those Pesky Word-Choices

    Ridge Defends “Three-Year-Old” U.S. Terror Alert Reuters 8/3/04 “I don’t want anyone to disabuse themselves…” disabuse To free from a falsehood or misconception

  • Torturing the Death out of Them: Ours

    Al-Qaida detainee recants claims, The New York Times 7/31/04 A senior leader of al-Qaida was the main source for intelligence…that Iraq had provided training in chemical and biological weapons to members of the organization…. Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi, a member of Osama bin Laden’s inner circle, recanted the claims sometime last year, …. about links between…

  • We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Inspections!

    U.S. Shifts Stance on Nuclear Treaty White House Resists Inspection Provision Washington Post 7/31/04 “In a significant shift in U.S. policy, the Bush administration announced this week that it will oppose provisions for inspections and verification as part of an international treaty that would ban production of nuclear weapons materials…. “Administration officials…. declined, however, to…

  • Flextime? Don’t Hold Your Breath.

    Bush Plans Flextime Proposal Washington Post 7/30/04 “President Bush plans to announce Friday that he wants to make flextime more available to the nation’s workers…. “His aides did not give details about what he will propose beyond saying that he wants to give parents more chances to participate in their children’s lives by letting workers…