Author: david

  • Encouraging Report Today Re: “The Kids Are Alright”

    Poll Finds Pro-Kerry Vote Fever at Colleges LA Times “[A]ccording to a poll released Thursday by Harvard University…84% of students said they would ‘definitely be voting’ this year, compared with 50% who said so in the spring of 2000.” “The poll surveyed…210 campuses in 48 states. Students…preferred Kerry over Bush, 52% to 39%….The Massachusetts senator…

  • FYI

    Washington Post [T]he Indian Health Service, was created by treaties drawn more than a century ago that promised quality health care (along with quality education and decent housing) for every Native American in exchange for the federal government’s taking vast swaths of Indian land. But the health service, run by the Department of Health and…

  • The Kids Are Alright

    A lot of people have been wowed by the intensity of campaign communication this year. Fair enough. It has been intense. But not intense like the Green Day back-beat, or Hip-Hop’s “Vote or Die,” or the amped-up slackers of 2004. I think there may be an intensity of yet a higher order still in store.…

  • Kerry, Bush Trade Charges

    “I”ll give you Nincompoop and In Denial, if you give me Flip-Flopper and Liberal.” “Flip-Flopper AND Liberal? You’ve got to be kidding!”

  • A Phrase We Would Not Be Likely to Hear

    A phrase we would not be likely to hear in our own media, from the Arab News, referring to Iran: wedged between the American occupied countries of Afghanistan and Iraq.

  • The “Ties” That Blind

    AFP The White House insisted there were ‘ties’ that linked the former regime of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein to the Al-Qaeda terror network. DKo: Even if there weren’t any actual Al-Qaeda-ties, there were certainly Al-Qaeda-ties-related-program-activities. And actual Al-Qaeda ties could have been deployed within 45 minutes.