Author: david

  • But they are evil!

    “Ashcroft said it was not the Justice Department’s policy to define torture. “But he did say the international rules governing treatment of detainees did not apply to groups like al Qaeda since only countries are signatories to the treaty.” (Article) And are they similarly not bound to avoid torturing Americans?

  • Go easy on Trent’s Mom.

    From AARP Bulletin. … Trent Lott of Mississippi, announced he would stop voting against allowing Americans to buy lower-cost prescription drugs from abroad. “I cannot explain to my mother any longer,” he said, “why she should pay twice or two-thirds more than what is paid in Canada or Mexico.” Hmm… .twice or two-thirds more? She…

  • Who says they didn’t have a plan?

    “Under the earliest prewar plans by the U.S. military, Baghdad’s infrastructure was to be rebuilt by last August, with elections to be held last September and the troops leaving by October.” Toronto Globe and Mail

  • Name, Rank, and Serial Number

    Article 17 of the Third Convention says, in part, that “No physical or mental torture, nor any other form of coercion, may be inflicted on prisoners of war to secure from them information of any kind whatever. Prisoners of war who refuse to answer may not be threatened, insulted, or exposed to any unpleasant or…

  • Clench, The Steady–Lemming King

    “A strong populace needs a strong leader. When I make a decision, I stick to it!” -Clench, The Steady–Lemming King, rallying his followers in the race to the cliff-edge.

  • Implausible deniability

    –“The No. 2 general at the Pentagon indicated that interrogation techniques used in Iraq violated the Geneva Conventions and said he did not know who had approved them. “Marine Gen. Peter Pace, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said he was unaware of any U.S. military guidelines for interrogating prisoners that would have…