Category: long story short
some of these make no sense perfectly
MZ sends along this Arabian Random Insult Generator: We no speak english so nice so some of these make no sense perfectly. We many sorries.
low turnout for tricks or treats tonight means we have a bunch of reese’s peanut butter cups left over, some skittles, a few dum dums, and about two pounds of mini tootsie rolls
big ol’ pumpkin from the yuppie grocery up the hill
Don't blame me: I voted for Sheen
Martin Sheen just called and left an answering machine message urging me to support prop 52, a voting reform proposition apparently. I haven’t had time to review the voter tomes yet this year. For a minute there though I felt like an extra on the West Wing.
Fun for the whole family
Eric Myer’s Stereotypes allows the user to construct a face by mixing and matching sixteen top and bottom halves. Brilliant job of sizing and lining up all the faces along the same horizontal axis!
Anil Dash vs. the haters
Read Anil’s Dash lengthy, patient discussion of the contretemps between himself and the readers of Little Green Footballs. Anil considers the real issue to be the hatred and vitriol that risk sidetracking legitimate political speech and organization against Islamic extremism. In the midst of this he also makes it clear that the pack mentality of…