Category: long story short
“At Long Last…” Coulter Fired by Centre Daily Editor
In A letter to Coulter the editor of Pennsylvania paper Centre Daily explained why he’s dropping Coulter’s column from his op-ed page on Friday, concluding: And, Ann, you’re not helping. You do nothing to elevate our spirits, to celebrate the great bond that holds us this unruly people together and makes us a nation. Hate…
Jamie Lee Curtis Has Nothing to Hide
The actress outs her body in More: Because in 2002, more than three decades into the women’s movement, it is still a radical act for a woman to accept her body as it is. “We knew the article was important,” said Susan Crandall, editor-in-chief of the magazine, targeted to women in their 40s and 50s.…
Stock Market Press Flacks Still Riding High
In Talking Bull, The Guardian wonders why the journalists who pumped up stocks during the bull market are still heeded in this bearish downturn: Instead of being required to write, “I will not confuse libertarian hallucinations with practical investment advice” 36,000 times, he was indulged with a seat on President Bush’s 21st Century Workforce Council.
Subvert Press: The ‘Thank You’ Sticker
Thought-virus Thank you for financing global terror (via Metafilter sideblog)
Who Died and Made Rumsfeld Secretary of State?
In AlterNet: Connect the Dots With Rumsfeld, David Corn questions Rumsfeld’s out-front spokesmanship for the U.S. foreign policy: Most recently, he warned (at a public meeting with Army troops) that if Russia maintains its trading relationship with Iraq, the nation will be branded a pal of terrorism and global investors will steer clear of Russia.…
She Must Not Read the Howler
Fuzzy math? The New York Observer reports Ann Coulter as saying: here are 780 footnotes in the back of Slander, and so far, Ms. Coulter said, only two minor, irrelevant errors have surfaced. “?Do you realize what this means??” she said she told her agent. “This means the rest of this book is true! This…