Category: long story short

  • ‘Pretend Ignorance’ Over Who is Leaking Iraq War Plans

    In The Fog of Newspapering in Slate, Jack Shafer examines the quandary a newspaper (in this case the New York Times) gets itself into when it must cover a questions such as “Who has been leaking Pentagon war planning for Iraq to the New York Times?” By the way, has anyone yet coined the term…

  • New Batch of ‘Get Your War On’ Up

    Just go read ’em.

  • Daily Howler Continues to Analyze the ‘Borking’ of Gore

    Somerby is still exploring the way the press painted Gore into a corner two years ago. He made an interesting point about this on the 9th: But there?s one funny point you may have observed. Have you ever noticed that it?s only class warfare when practiced by Gore, not when it?s practiced against him? I…

  • The Globalizer Who Came In From the Cold

    Maverick journalist Greg Palast profiles former World Bank chief economist Joseph Stiglitz in the London Observer: Stiglitz greatest concern is that World Bank plans, devised in secrecy and driven by an absolutist ideology, are never open for discourse or dissent. Despite the West’s push for elections throughout the developing world, the so-called Poverty Reduction Programs…

  • Why Mr. Hamdi Matters

    WaPo says take care of our civil liberties: The government’s case against Mr. Hamdi may be solid. But if it is allowed to detain him without some procedure that requires a persuasive showing, it will create a rule that allows Americans to be exempted from the protections of the Bill of Rights on the strength…

  • There’s More to the Muslim World than Palestine

    think halal: the muslim group weblog has a provocative report of the attitude of an Indian Muslim who sees the Palestinian question sucking up all the media attention and aid while gujarat is largely ignored.