Category: long story short

  • Rogue Nation Requiring Regime Change

    Adrian Hamilton turns Bush administration rhetoric on its head in The Independent (U.K.): It has a government in power without the legitimacy of a democratic majority, in the hands of a coterie from a single part of the country and clearly aiming at a dynasty of rule. Its rhetoric is one of violent aggression against…

  • Iraq Countdown Clock is so sure about the impending invasion of Iraq that they’ve created a countdown clock. [via mz]

  • The Standard Republican Lies About Tax Cuts

    Critiques of Editorials just ran this item exposing the myths, er lies, about tax cuts that Republicans like to spread.

  • Critiques of Editorials

    A new Salon Blog counters some of the herd mentality in editorial pages online and off: But Saletan really undermines his argument by viciously attacking Gore when no such attack is warranted. Gore wrote an Op Ed that said I told you that if Bush was president that the powerful would benefit and the average…

  • Who Say the Left Has No Sense of Humor?

    Take this quiz at the Bush Impeachment Countdown site.

  • Can’t Anybody Here Play This Game?

    Florida primary could be confusing, Democrats warn – August 4, 2002: The ballot instructs voters to “Vote for One Pair,” meaning a combined entry of governor and lieutenant governor, though none of the candidates has chosen a running mate. Voters who took the instruction literally would “overvote” and nullify their choice, Democrats said Saturday.