Category: long story short
Rogue Nation Requiring Regime Change
Adrian Hamilton turns Bush administration rhetoric on its head in The Independent (U.K.): It has a government in power without the legitimacy of a democratic majority, in the hands of a coterie from a single part of the country and clearly aiming at a dynasty of rule. Its rhetoric is one of violent aggression against…
Iraq Countdown Clock is so sure about the impending invasion of Iraq that they’ve created a countdown clock. [via mz]
The Standard Republican Lies About Tax Cuts
Critiques of Editorials just ran this item exposing the myths, er lies, about tax cuts that Republicans like to spread.
Critiques of Editorials
A new Salon Blog counters some of the herd mentality in editorial pages online and off: But Saletan really undermines his argument by viciously attacking Gore when no such attack is warranted. Gore wrote an Op Ed that said I told you that if Bush was president that the powerful would benefit and the average…
Who Say the Left Has No Sense of Humor?
Take this quiz at the Bush Impeachment Countdown site.
Can’t Anybody Here Play This Game?
Florida primary could be confusing, Democrats warn – August 4, 2002: The ballot instructs voters to “Vote for One Pair,” meaning a combined entry of governor and lieutenant governor, though none of the candidates has chosen a running mate. Voters who took the instruction literally would “overvote” and nullify their choice, Democrats said Saturday.