Category: long story short
Testing, testing
Trying to see if my posts are propagating across the fediverse as intended…
Sure, summer break is nice
but have you tried generally just kind of slowing down, exhaling, taking stock, wrapping things up, and accepting the open secret about most of the working world that doesn’t have a seasonal spike between mid-November and the end of the year, that around now people are taking their foot off the productivity gas pedal and…
Bucket list achievement unlocked
I have often said I will end up as a minor footnote in Grateful Dead history, on the back of my obscure essays and peripheral involvement with “Dead scholarship.” Recently, one of my writer pals with similar obsessions has been the host of the Good Ol’ Grateful Deadcast, which has quickly turned into one of…
Quiet mornings are good for reflection
I used to be a night person. I used to sleep in as much as I possibly could. Sometime in the last decade or two I turned into a morning person and I’ve learned to really appreciate the quiet early morning hours before the rest of the world has woke up. This is when I…
Got my flu shot yesterday
Remember when vaccines were just a normal thing nobody freaked out about? So far no arm ache and no malaise, so that’s good. On the other hand I may already have had this flu after my trip to Europe in September and October. Meanwhile covid cases are up in California again, darnit.
More geek stuff
I’m still messing with how these blog posts display when they are federated out to the #fediverse. It may take a little bit of tinkering but eventually, I’ll get things how I like them.
rip van weblog
anybody else feel like they’re waking up from a #lazyweb trance?
Quick recursive test
trying out a fediembedi tag to insert my mastodon feed here as a test
Whoa, we’re halfway there
OK, so I was able to find in a fediverse lookup, which was pretty cool. There was a sort of bio listing in Mastodon. From there I was able to follow my own blog (yay), and I could click through as well, but that brings us to the design-neglected user page instead of the…
Getting the itch
It feels like time to blog again. For one thing, a lot of stuff is happening every day and I’m losing track so just literally logging interesting things right now would be a good idea. Also, the microblog walled gardens are starting to eat themselves and this blog can be part of the fediverse, I…
Down to the Mountain
Set me free
Music will continue until morale improves
More music coming soon!
LinkedIn chat suggestion poem
I willDon’t worryStay positiveLet me know if I can helpCheersI’ll talk to you soonI’ll talk to you laterOkay?Take careI’ll see you soonHave fun!Enjoy!😊
synesthetically noted
Miniver Cheevypicks up the rice in the churchwhere the wedding has been
wooden houses
I didn’t recognize my dopplegangerOn the road to SamarraUntil I saw John the Doorman,Heard the drunk, singing down the street“Let me come home!”
Old Man – neil young cover – acoustic uke
Wish You Were Here (pink floyd cover), electric uke and looper
- is back up
thanks to my benefactor Declan we have kept the slightly shorter URL working for this site but when I moved the hosting to wpengine that was broken for a bit. Today I finally got around to checking how to fix the redirect at wpengine and it involved typing the domain in a box and…
Sweet Virginia – solo electric uke proof of concept