Category: long story short
‘Supporting’ the Troops?
This is one of the most critical issues facing our nation today — and few are paying much attention. The fact is, for all their talk about ‘security’ the Bush Administration has, in fact, made the US LESS secure in almost every possible way. They have alienated our allies and created hatred for us around…
No Time to Lose on Burning Flags!
At last, Vice President Cheney has had the guts to stick his neck out and move the flag-burning ammendment to the front burner. Facing up to the flag-burning crisis that is overwhelming our nation may not be popular or fashionable or “hep-cat,” but it is the right thing to do.
Breaking my blog fast
Well, my book shipped a week or so ago and the promotional effort begins now in earnest although the pub date isn’t till Sept 1. I had to unplug for a while and really minimize my online reading and blogging, catch up on sleep and other metabolic necessities, and so on. Plus, I’ve now started…
Video Shows Foreign Fighters in Major Iraq Attacks
(The Reuters video in question) Mostly British and American, I suppose.
It’s OK, Ma, They’ve Stopped Beating Their Wives.
It has been widely reported and openly acknowledged that Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld issued orders to employ “harsh interrogation techniques”–orders that were later rescinded. A similar sequence occurred later in Iraq, with respect to interrogation orders issued by General Sanchez. In both cases, the orders were reversed on legal advice that the techniques authorized looked…
‘Liberal’ losing its pejorative power?
I’ve noticed that right wingers seem to believe that Democrats and liberals must be “outed” as closet socialists. The fact that they are bandying the word socialist around this way makes me wonder if the word liberal itself is losing its sting. Do they need to remind people that that liberal = left = socialist…