Category: long story short

  • rip van weblog

    rip van weblog

    anybody else feel like they’re waking up from a #lazyweb trance?

  • Quick recursive test

    Quick recursive test

    trying out a fediembedi tag to insert my mastodon feed here as a test

  • Whoa, we’re halfway there

    Whoa, we’re halfway there

    OK, so I was able to find in a fediverse lookup, which was pretty cool. There was a sort of bio listing in Mastodon. From there I was able to follow my own blog (yay), and I could click through as well, but that brings us to the design-neglected user page instead of the…

  • Getting the itch

    Getting the itch

    It feels like time to blog again. For one thing, a lot of stuff is happening every day and I’m losing track so just literally logging interesting things right now would be a good idea. Also, the microblog walled gardens are starting to eat themselves and this blog can be part of the fediverse, I…

  • Down to the Mountain

    Set me free

  • Memory Lane

    Here is the first song in a five-song mini-concert recorded last month and initially posted on ye old booke of faces. This one has lyrics by Peter K. Hirsch: Next up, a bit of early 20th century science history, “Giving Zoo Wolves Lessons in Music.”