Category: long story short

  • Sweet Virginia – solo electric uke proof of concept

  • 500 words on september

    Try to remember that melancholy mood associated now with September with that sound of the Fantastiks and cramming into that off-broadway setting to reveal the mysteries encoded on flatted vinyl disc before rushing off the end still untold to the port authority still a sewer of the sorts of people who feed on the sorts…

  • The right question to ask when solving a problem: Why? (not Who?)

    a wise friend of mine once told me when there is a problem you can ask WHO or WHY? WHO is about blame. “Who messed up? Who is at fault? Who should we fire?” but WHY is about learning “Why did this happen? Why didn’t we notice? Why don’t we check for that?” … WHY…

  • Too much oatmeal too late

    Trying to get B out the door for her east bay appointments, making steel cut oats the slow way, a bit too much milk so a touch more oats and done sooner than expected and thicker, cut with a bit of skim milk and tossed with berries, just too much food to eat too close…

  • Digestif


    I lay awake a while back having returned recently from Paris by way of Dublin pondering why we sleep, a question I thought long ago routed by the much deeper why do we wake at all, when it came to me from that other brain: we sleep to digest. This website apparatus also benefits from…

  • Let there be music

    I’m embedding this Joe Russo’s Almost Dead show (which comes very highly recommended from musicologist Jake Cohen) into my blog here to illustrate how “badging out” works as an open strategy for distributing content socially:

  • Hunkered down

    So here I am, locked down in the back room (well, it’s kind of in the front of the house but nevermind) while B hosts the weekly Saturday morning ladies’ breakfast for the women who live in our little neighborhood. How did I end up in some bizarro west coast version of a Cheever novel?

  • Truth in advertising

    Truth in advertising

    new ad shows off the iPhone’s flexibility.

  • Simple versus complex

    Simple versus complex

    Interesting how the Goog ranks results about carbohydrates in terms of authority: I recommend numbers 5, 6, and 10.  

  • Gratitude unbound

    Gratitude unbound

    I have a lot to be grateful for.

  • Old-school time travel

    Old-school time travel

    Privileged to read an advance draft of Martha Conway‘s stunning new novel, Thieving Forest, I was thrilled to attend her book launch party in San Francisco over the weekend. Besides the great spread of victuals and lovely wine (a champagne, a chablis, and a pinot noir) at the sadly now-closed Beast & the Hare, we also…

  • All I know is something

    …like a bird within her sang

  • Jumpstarting the flow

    The one thing I do know is that introducing even a mild amount of a toxin to an organism triggers a reaction designed to protect sensitive surfaces and vulnerable processes. Lubricants flow. The nose runs. The bowels stir. The coffee, the cigarette do their work. The flow needs spice.

  • write prompt

    my old enterzone pal Martha Conway has been tweeting things lately with hashtags like #writeprompt and #10minprompt and #amwriting. i love this! i want to play, so i just tweeted “The one thing I do know is…”

  • Not my longest blogging drought yet

    Stay tuned for more regular writingses.

  • One day in California, 1987

    One day in California, 1987

    What I do know is that at the end of the first set, Steve was basically a convert, utterly convinced that this was a thing and he was doing it. I’d gotten other friends to this point, especially after the exciting crescendo at the end of a first set. It’s a bit of a crossroads:…

  • Ride the hype cycle, baby!

    riding the Gartner hype cycle

  • Sketchnotes 2011

    Sketchnotes 2011

    Recently, my colleague Jerome Domurat showed me this bound collection of Eva-Lotta Lamm’s sketchnotes and I was pleased to be reminded of the beautiful one-pager she did of my “Playful Design” talk from UX Lisbon: Christian Crumlish: Playful Design at UXLX, a photo by evalottchen on Flickr.

  • How to criticize Obama as a terrible negotiator

    If Obama’s opening position is too close to the expected split-the-difference middle, point out that he is caving and that the deal will be too far to the right. If Obama’s opening position is much further to the left (including, say, a public option or a permanent solution to the debt-ceiling b.s.), say that he…

  • Birth month

    Birth month

    I was out at dinner with B the other night, celebrating my birthday, and I mentioned how I wasn’t following my old tradition of posting a note about the birthday of my blog (because I started breathing room on my 33rd birthday and briefly considered calling it “Outliving Christ”) because, as with so many things…

  • Plugin test

    Twitter tools just made me install Mailchimp’s social plugin, which may have munged my comment area, hence this test post. UPDATE: Well, updating the plugins still hasn’t restored the tweets to the banner area of the blog, and there have been a serious of crash/freeze/hangs, so now I’ve disabled the “social” and “twitter tools” plugins…