Category: long story short
Too Deep for Me
I was listening to a review of this new kid’s movie, and I don’t get why there’s a law that a rowboat will not harm a human being!
Cheney’s Shootdown Orders
When Cheney issued the shootdown orders on 9/11, he said Bush had “signed off on the concept.” Apparently Bush told him not to issue the order right away, when he got off the phone. It was more like: “Shoot down the planes, but only if someone asks.”
Why I [heart] the Poor Man
Despite the occasional charming spelling lapse, Andrew Northrup writes with the crisp biting wit of a Mencken or Swift. For example: Men of Principle No blockquote. Best read in toto. Another reason why bloggers rule and pundits drool: Northrup doesn’t have any access to power to worry about, just his eyes and his ears and…
aka “State-Sponsored Terrorism”
Many of us saw this news item last week: Ex-C.I.A. Aides Say Iraq Leader Helped Agency in 90’s Attacks, NYT, 6/9/04, article “Iyad Allawi, now the designated prime minister of Iraq, ran an exile organization…that sent agents into Baghdad in the early 1990’s to plant bombs and sabotage government facilities under the direction of the…
I, for one, welcome my new consultant overlords
There’s no ink on the contract yet but odds are looking very good that starting in July I’ll be joining a consulting firm as chief mumbledymumbledy officer and work with some clients on projects that combine a lot of my interests today: netroots activism, taking back congress, weblogs and webfeeds and wikis oh my, promoting…
TPM hints at big scoop in not-too-distant future
Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall: June 13, 2004 – June 19, 2004 Archives: I and several colleagues have been working on a story that, if and when it comes to fruition – and I’m confident it shall – should shuffle the tectonic plates under that capital city where I normally hang my hat.…