Category: long story short
Five seconds inside Mel Gibson’s brain
According this mini-bit from MSNBC, Mel Gibson was near-suicidal right up to the point he started making the Passion. Also, he’s pretty sure his wife, a very religious Episcopalian who he says is a saint and a much better human being than him, will unfortunately be spending eternity in hell. No disrespect meant to Mel,…
Safire still blinded by Hillary
In a blog entry praising Safire’s column in today’s Times, Kaus nonetheless notes that Safire’s main thesis is “insane.” I also couldn’t help noting that his Hillary-paranoia has taken a new turn. He now says that the Clitonistas were hoping for a Dean debacle to clear the way for Hillary in 2008, but didn’t he…
How Kerry turned it around
The Philadelphia Inquirer has an insider’s not-for-attribution look at the moment when the Kerry campaign hit bottom and then bet it all on Iowa – and won: The low point of the campaign came on Nov. 10, a cold, rainy Monday in Iowa. The night before, Kerry had fired his campaign manager, Jim Jordan, in…
Brutal brutal brutal
Right here — a brutal brutal brutal editing job in Bush’s state of the union (one year back, sounds like to me). Well worth your time.
We have the receipt
The father was seen as doing nothing to turn around a sluggish economy, and for that, he lost his job. The son learned a hard lesson and now no one can say he’s been idle. Tax cut after tax cut. Spending program after spending program. And we all have the $500 billion dollar receipt to…
Our campaign, our message
On Sunday I’m running to be a delegate to the Democratic convention for Howard Dean. If we win 15% or more of the votes in the ninth congressional district, at least some of the delegates from our slate will go the convention and be able to press for the Dean message that has united and…