Category: long story short

  • Kerry’s tin ear

    Look, I’m an anybody-but-Bush Democrat this time around, so I’ll get with the program if Kerry can sustain his lead, but something William Saletan wrote in his review of the State of the Union memes and countermemes from the two parties struck home: 8. The unofficial Democratic response. ABC and NBC interviewed Kerry, effectively anointing…

  • Can we really be stopped so easily?

    To my fellow Howard Dean supporters, a little perspective: One of the great people I’ve met as a campaign volunteer wrote me this morning, “Hi Christian, got your info about the … [tactical details omitted] … outreach. I think that is a good approach. However I’m concerned about the events over the past two days,…

  • Cele-bray-yate

    There’s a lot of heartache out there right now, I’m sure. A lot of Dean folks wondering what this all means for their guy. Some Clark folks feeling like things may be tilting the other way. Lieberman and Gephardt folks grinding their teeth. But then there’s this: In the last 24 years, when have we…

  • Horsetrading report from Iowa

    Charles Eicher reports on his caucus experience in his blog, Disinfotainment. Specifically, he recounts an amusing little horsetrading bit of gamesmanship in which the Kerry supporters managed to screw themselves out of a delegate: After an initial vote, any candidate polling less than 15% is declared unviable, and those persons must realign to a candidate…

  • Early returns show Kerry, Edwards

    With nearly a third of precincts reporting, the Des Moines Register shows Kerry with 37%, Edwards with 33%, Dean with 18%, and Gephardt with 11% (all rounded to the nearest percentage). The Democratic Party’s Iowa Caucus scoreboard shows similar numbers based on a third as many precincts. So much for all the chatter about organization…

  • My (other little) pony in this race

    As the day wears on, I find I have another pony in this race. To my surprise, I’m rooting for Edwards to have a strong showing. I’ve been leaning Clark lately. Strategically an Edwards surge is bad for Clark — it splits some of the southern vote (or at least the “he can get support…