Category: long story short

  • Why Dean can win

    I just reposted an article by David Reinhard published in the Oregonian called Why Dean can win next November over at my new Oakland for Dean site. It tackles the “unelectable” meme head-on.

  • Oakland for Dean launches

    I’ve set up a site called Oakland for Dean and I’ll be posting campaign news and opinions there. When I think something over there would be interesting to Edgewise readers I’ll be sure to post a link here. I’m also going to add the headline feed from O4D to the sidebar of this blog, and…

  • ‘Roy Moore for President!’

    I admit it, Roy Moore scares me. I live in my west-coast bubble and he lives in his Alabama bubble and we both believe we have self-consistent world views and that there is something seriously wrong with the people who tend to overrule us. “What is he trying to do?” I asked B over breakfast,…

  • Bedside reading

    Just imagine the “Part of Tens” appendix.

  • What are they hiding?

    Atrios makes a good point when he asks why the media isn’t jumping all over the Bush administration’s secrecy and evasiveness (when it comes to 9/11, energy commission, Plame, and so on): Come on media, it’s time to start framing the issue this way. Every time the Clintons failed to hand over Chelsea’s stool samples…

  • What Dean meant

    I’ve been toying on and off with commenting on the Dean/flag flap lately after seeing Zell “Why am I not a Republican” Miller on the Meet the Press this weekend deliberately misconstruing Dean’s (admittedly “dangerous”) statements about how he wants the votes of people who have confederate flags in their pickup trucks. Miller responded as…