Category: long story short

  • National sick-as-a-dog month

    A friend asked me via twitter if I was doing National Blog Post Month as well as National Novel Writing Month, because apparently I had up to that point posted every day in November, but in fact I was not doing the former and am no longer doing the latter. In fact I’ve been trying…

  • In my day we had to write our web-blogs by hand in html 1.0, barefoot in the snow, uphill all the way, against the wind

    I’ve discovered that it’s easy to remember the anniversary of your first blog post* if you’re as clever or random as I was and wrote it on your birthday. This then reminds me to crank out my yearly age-revealing, I’ve-been-blogging-since post. And this is a special one, too, for what it’s worth. Ten years of…

  • Back from Oaxaca

    Posting over low bandwidth. Consider this photo a down payment toward a great deal more imagery and tales to come. This is one of the many artworks, most with religious themes, decorating the hotel I stayed in my first night in Oaxaca, the Hostal de la Noria. UPDATE: (or del, I have to doublecheck that)…

  • Going off the grid

    Very late Tuesday night – in fact so late that it will really be very early Wednesday morning – I’m heading down to Oakland airport to hop on a Mexicana plane and fly to Guadalajara and then Mexico City and finally to Oaxaca. Yes, it’s the OAK to OAX run. Once there I will spend…

  • Stanking up the gym

    Got to work, checked some email, decided to stop dallying and head to the gym for 50 minutes on the stationary bike. Suddenly realized I’d forgotten to bring a change of gym clothes to work today, like I usually do.

  • Brown bag accomplished

    There is a cycle I go through in preparing for a public speaking gig. The UED (user experience design) brown bag series at Yahoo! is low key in a way. We do it in a medium-sized room with hookups to remote campuses, such as Santa Monica. It’s “all in the family” and thus not as…

  • Happy Birthday, Peter!

    Happy Birthday, Peter! Originally uploaded by xian. One of the highlights of last week’s trip to New York was when Peter, Sara, and the boys drove down from New Haven on Saturday. Pictured here from left to right are Caleb, Peter, and Sam. Later, I’ll post more pictures to Flickr. This one was taken on…

  • On the internet, nobody knows you're fat

    I’m no fan of the term “fatblogging” but I do see some value in the idea of inviting accountability by applying the blog (in the sense of public log) format to a health and fitness plan, and reporting one’s weight to a globe full of strangers is surely one way to keep yourself honest. Those…

  • Strategery at the New School?

    So I’m standing outside of the Parsons , where we were putting on the IDEA 2007 conference this past week when two guys in suits with their arms literally around each other’s shoulders, laughing and schmoozing like the bunch of dyed-in-the-wool politicians I realize they are….

  • New York, just like I pictured it

    IMG_0055.jpg Originally uploaded by xian. OK, I’ve used that title before. Just wanted to put up a few photos: An amusing sign in a cab, the Oyster Bar (a favorite of B and mine), and this shot of the Empire State building lit up at night we ran across headed back to our hotel on…

  • RE: Join my network on LinkedIn

    This is a quandary for me….

  • Jump for Joy

    I believe this song, “Jump for Joy,” is extremely obscure, and that’s amazing. I only happened to hear it, barely listening to an old a Sarah Vaughn record. I stopped short, “Did she just say that?” It’s a blithe and satirical “protest song” Duke Ellington wrote in 1941 for an all-black musical review of the…

  • Ding dong

    B and I are getting married today at 3 o’clock. Wish us luck!

  • Seaside Jazz Fest 2007

    Seaside Jazz Fest 2007 Originally uploaded by andytnisbet. B’s brother Andy took this really nice picture of my sweetie and me. We spent Sunday down in Seaside (right next door to Monterey). Good food, great people, fantastic music (with a rotating cast of players), not too many speeches, birthday wishes to B’s sister Peg, anniversary…

  • links for 2007-05-26

    Peter Viney on “The Weight” exegesis of the lyrics of the weight, or at least one man’s take on them, synthesizing much rumor and innuendo (tags: music reference lyrics rock theband history) bent spoon — cultural opinion e-zine and blog showing art and literature creative blogsite by friend (tags: art blog culture literature) Information Architecture…

  • My vocal debut

    Been meaning to do some recording at Vortex Studios and last weekend I finally got the chance. Cecil played me his song, “Styrofoam,” and then recorded me singing it with his backing tracks in my ears to guide me. So far, so good. then Cecil added harmony vocals, additional guitars and keyboards and drums ‘n’…

  • links for 2007-02-08

    teaching the machine – Nate Koechley’s Blog jim goldstein sent me this link too but nate connects it to the concept of the attention economy (tags: attention privacy learning web2.0) You are what you search (or so it appears) – fortunate discoveries by accident via george kelly (tags: attention privacy presence digitalid identity)

  • New York is very very cold

    Surprised my dad this weekend by showing up on Friday, courtesy of JetBlue, to help celebrate his 70th birthday. It’s hard to believe he’s really 70 because aside from the white hair he seems just about the same as always. As much as he may complain about age or infirmity or his physical condition he…

  • Million-dollar product ideas

    Here’s three ideas for products that will make you millions if you can figure out how to manufacture and sell them: Self-disentangling (or non-tangling) iPod earbud cords Ear grease cleaner for mobile phones A remote that mutes the TV as it turns on its power. Send me a thank you note when you make your…

  • Why Stop There?

    What Emboldens the Enemy? Gates: “[The] proposed Senate resolution…would embolden the enemy” Gates: “Any indication of flagging will” would embolden the enemy. Then why stop there? Open debate emboldens the enemy. Free speech emboldens the enemy. Political opposition emboldens the enemy. And why stop even there? Elections? That’s just what they want us to do.…

  • Bush Keeps Hope Alive

    Washington Post: Bush said he recognizes that “there is skepticism and pessimism” in Congress, but he added that “some are condemning the plan before it’s even had a chance to work.” ———————————– All we are saying is give war a chance. [The WP article]