Category: long story short
Safire twists Clark’s words (further)
I love reading the right-wing punditry on the Democratic presidential primary race. There’s a lot of wishful thinking and projection mixed in with the gossip and rumormongering. There’s still a total obsession with Clintonisma, and Bill Safire’s column this morning in the Times follows in a long line of Hillary-obsessed predictions from the libertarian-neocon margin…
US perceptions of the middle east
I stumbled on a very interesting dialogue in the comments section of a post on Hoder’s weblog called Bush benefits from terrorist attacks, like Sharon does, which itself pointed to Pat Buchanan’s handicapping of the upcoming presidential horserace election. Note, the comments on Hoder’s entry are posted reverse chronologically, so the oldest ones come last.…
Clark’s no VP
I know a lot of my Dean-supporting friends think that saying “Wesley Clark would be a great vice president for Dean” will ward off the threat, but it ain’t that simple. No one runs for vice president. And it’s unseemly to pick one too soon. But there is a precedent for parading around a potential…
Sandbags at the ready
My sister, J, writes: Looks like DC is going to get smacked by the hurricane sometime after midnight on Thursday night. They say it would be better if it goes straight over us because there is usually less damage than there is to places that are on the outer edges of the storm (some analogy…
Enlarging our elections
In Withering chads, filchyboy reminds me that the whole Recall hullabulloo is turning into a formal response to the 2000 Floriday debacle. The Supreme Court’s “use once and discard” label on their Bush v. Gore decision seems to be coming undone. How ironic if an unintended consequence of the shoehorning of W. into his father’s…
Digby catches first anti-Clark slam
As anticipated by Adam Felbers, Digby at Hullabaloo, notes that Novak (a.k.a., “No Facts,” or as Digby terms him, “Novakula”) has asserted that Wesley Clark was in danger of being kicked out of the Army until he appealed to Clinton for his fourth star. I imagine the whole idea of his popularity (or lack thereof)…