Category: long story short
Brooks likes Bush’s chances vs. Dean
Good discussion of David Brooks’ Republicans for Dean op-ed from the Times today over on Metafilter. One pithy sampling: That being said, most of Dean’s appeal to me is the prospect of seeing him mercilessly beat the crap out of Bush in the debate if we get to have one this time around. Dean isn’t…
Bush’s Enron-style fiscal policy
Daniel Gross writes in Slate What Bush Learned From Enron – How to hide an $87 billion debt by pretending it’s off the books. Of course the point here is not so much that we shouldn’t spend the (now) necessary money in Iraq but that the full, or growing, pricetag was hidden off the books…
California court halts recall
So does this ruling go to the U.S. Supreme Court next? I love it when they adjudicate our elections.
Digging up dirt on Dean
Interesting referrer at one of my sites today: True dirt on Howard Dean. Someone is looking for dirt on Dean, it seems to me. I hope they have a good opposition research team. I’m available! (The search only found me because I have links to a gardening blog called True Dirt and because lately I’ve…
Halliburton = Teapot Dome
Heard it here first. Halliburton is to Bush as Teapot Dome is to Harding. Pass it on.
Test of my dad’s account
OK, if this works, it will appear to have been posted by my Dad. Word: this message will self-destruct. No warranties implied or cetera.