Category: long story short
Edward 2004 blog up and running
The Edwards campaign has gone public with their Slashcode-based blog, with categories for each state.
My first Dean meetup
So I attended the Oakland Dean 2004 meetup at the Box Theatre last night. Here’s a good shot of my emerging bald spot. You know, I’ve always voted, and usually for Democrats, but I’ve never before volunteered for a candidate or become in any way involved aside from passively following campaigns and then voting (and,…
All hail the radical center!
Michele at A Small Victory finds that she is neither a leftist nor a rightist, but rather “just right” (with apologies to Golidlocks).
Iraq reconstruction ripoff meme
The story about an Iraqi contractor estimating $300,000 to repair a bridge and an American contractor getting the job with a bid of $50,000,000 has now made it from an Iraqi blog to US blogs to mainstream journalist Jon Carroll and back into the blogosphere. OK, so it wasn’t about ooooooil, after all. It was…
‘I just consistently underestimated just how bad things were going to be’
LiberalOasis interviews Paul Krugman.
manfully trying to give the administration the benefit of the doubt
Just noticed Sullivan’s second thoughts re the mess in Iraq. For the most part, though, he’s still got his ideological blinders on when it’s not his axe being gored (for example, gay marriage). Further up the page he sides with Somerby on promiscuous accusations of lying, but doesn’t see the irony of “gets it right…