Category: long story short

  • A life in miniature

    I’m continuing to assemble scraps of past weblog/journals into this one. I just retrieved all the entries to the Diaryland journal I called Still Breathing. It was my first attempt at taking the experiment of Breathing Room from an entirely hand-coded flat-file system to an automated one. It was still in the diary/journal form that…

  • I’ve got your ‘fair and balanced’ right here

    Oliver Willis sees conspiracies (Dear Fox News) what the rest of us rubes attribute to shortsightedness and malice.

  • Apologia for Michael Moore

    This front-page post to kuro5hin includes a point-by-point defense of Michael Moore and “Bowling for Columbine”. I still haven’t seen the movie, but I keep meaning to so I can make up my own mind about it.

  • Depends on the meaning of ‘imminent’

    Apologists for the Bush team and its war policy now say that Bush et al. never declared the threat from Iraq to be an “imminent” threat. Slyblog, among others, isn’t letting them get away with revising history. I thought this kind of parsing of words to excuse half-truths and outright lies went out with the…

  • Best analysis of recall yet

    Once again, The Onion has the best political coverage around.

  • Reclaiming our political history

    The liberal project has miles to go, but the Republican habit of vilifying the word liberal stops here with me right now.