Category: long story short

  • Oh, you better take your mind and leave

    Gah! Deadlines long rotting have risen and seized me with a righteous fury. A backlog of photos and banal observations should follow this latest ritual of purification, probably some time next week. now playing: “Cream Puff War (San Francisco 7-16-66)” by Grateful Dead [So Many Roads (1965-1995) Disc 1]

  • True tales of liberal warbloggers

    [via The Poison Kitchen]

  • Loyal opposition grows a spine

    Oliver Willis has summarized the recent history of the Democratic party, vis-a-vis the second Bush administration, in The Return Of The Democrats, noting how the tactical politicization of national security has made the opposition realize they cannot remain supine and fulfill their responsibilities as Democrats. Oliver talks about the whining from the right. I’ve noticed…

  • Ugly smear rumors

    According to Capital Games (a Nation column), the White House may have punished Ambassador Joseph Wilson for undermining their deniability in the Yellowcakegate scandal: Soon after Wilson disclosed his trip in the media and made the White House look bad. the payback came. Novak’s July 14, 2003, column presented the back-story on Wilson’s mission and…

  • A blogger in the White House?

    Howard Dean is the first serious candidate for national political office who seems to really “get” blogging, particularly its power to lower barriers between people and pop the bubble that so often surrounds high-powered candidates. Posting to his official Blog for America weblog, Dean writes: [O]one of you asked if there would be a White…

  • Can’t tell the liars without a scorecard

    Tim Dunlop wonders if Bush’s latest blatant counterfactual untruth (“We gave him a chance to allow the inspectors in, and he wouldn’t let them in”) – that’s a lie, son – was really just a hazing prank played Scott McClellan on the occasion of his succeeding Ari Fleischer, “one of the most accomplished liars on…