Category: long story short
Internet pundit fantasy camp this summer
IPFC, Inc. announces the launch of the Internet Pundit Fantasy Camp, and a chance to be among the presence of such luminaries as Jason Kottke, James Lileks, Doc Searls, Glenn Reynolds, Esther Dyson, Cory Doctorow, Christopher Locke, Clay Shirky, Xeni Jardin, Scott Rosenberg, Joi Ito, Marc Canter, John Dvorak, Dan Gillmor, Andrew Sullivan, Dave Winer,…
Katharine Hepburn, R.I.P.
Acting legend Katharine Hepburn dies at 96
The Memory Hole > 5-Minute Video of George W. Bush on the Morning of 9/11
The Memory Hole > 5-Minute Video of George W. Bush on the Morning of 9/11
Woopity doo
Sandler got married
Fact-checking Frist’s ass
Billmon, whose list of WMD-related quotations posted to his Whiskey Bar blog rocketed around the political web a month or so ago has tracked down a series of quotations from Senate leader Bill Frist that seem to contradict his more recent take on the reason we went to war with Iraq.
Will Ferrell’s class day speech
Those Harvard schmucks, they get the best graduation speakers. This year Will Ferrell serenaded them as “shiny little very smart pieces of dust.”