Category: long story short

  • Give ’em hell, Johnny!

    John Edwards takes the incumbent administration to task for its oligarchic, anticapitalistic policies (On Rewarding Work And Creating Opportunity).

  • DeLaygate gathering steam

    Joshua Marshall is doing his usual bang-up job of covering every angle of the ongoing Tom DeLay scandal dealing with misuse of Homeland Security resources in the Texas redistricting conflict, and subsequent attempts to cover tracks.

  • Who lost the WMDs

    Instead of accusing the U.S. and U.K. executive administrations of misleading, exaggerating, or even lying to the public about Saddam’s weapons of mass distruction, I’d rather stipulate to their existence, especially the chem and bio weapons that western countries helped him develop. I have another question entirely: where are they? Have me indeed made it…

  • On shutting up

    Men are encouraged to dominate conversation without even thinking about it, says Dan Spalding, who has another suggestion: shut up already. Elizabeth Lane Lawley makes a similar point, and asks women with strong voices, “What do you think women should be doing to start getting their voices heard?”

  • Credit where Credit is due

    Orcinus finds something to praise the Bush administration for: tamping down anti-Muslim rhetoric and avoiding the “clash of civilizations” interpretation of terror and middle-east politics.

  • Rusty Shackleford bites back

    Is evil Tom DeLay the inspiration for Hank Hill’s neighbor Dale Gribble on King of the Hill?