Category: long story short

  • Guardian on bloggers and Rachel Corrie’s reputation.

    The Guardian looks closely at how bloggers covered the aftermath of the Rachel Corrie story, finding an unsavory pile-on in the echo chamber. Cointelpro Tool takes on this line of reasoning and finds that it echoes the Indymedia line.

  • Rumsfeld denies reports he ignored advice

    According to this CNN story: Rumsfeld on Sunday dismissed “hyperventilating” critics of the war in Iraq and called reports that he vetoed plans by top officers for a larger invasion force “fiction.”

  • It’s Dave Winer’s world… we just live in it.

    Gary Hart has a blog. Let’s see if he can keep it up through a grueling campaign. A presidential blog would be cool but somehow I don’t see it.

  • Talking Points Memo taking flak

    For an analysis of the growing scandal around Rumsfeld and other politicos ignoring the best advice of the military brass and needlessly exposing our servicemen to greater risk than necessary, Joshua Marshall’s Talking Point Memo has been invaluable. Depite the fact that his sources are sound and his explanations cogent, he is now being subjected…

  • I'm sorry, but the '80s bit

    Over at Hyperbole, Jim Haefele reminisces about what he refers to as his decade. Well, we can’t choose the time and date of our own birth and one’s own memories always end up entangled with the cultural detritus of the period, plus he’s in Tunisia and I know when you are away from home, it…

  • Breaking the logjam

    As my to-do list grows (book project, consulting projects, conference coming up, taxes to do soon, clients deals to do, and more) I’ve had one of those two or three day periods of just trying to do the same things over and over. First there was a recalcitrant zip file that was showing up corrupted…