Category: long story short
It’s nothing personal, just business
The Bush Crime Family meme I’ve seen bandied about on the Well and elsewhere has spawned a comic at the Village Voice, The Bushopranos. Where are those humorless lefties when you need them? This cartoon fights the Bush restoration/rematch narrative that put their team within striking distance of the prize with a psychoanalytical reprise of…
This morning I woke up in a curfew…
First-hand reports from Miguel Octavio of The Devil’s Excrement indicate that Hugo Chavez has jailed opposition leaders in Venezuala: Woke up in a Dictatorship todayToday I woke up in a Dictatorship. Up to now Hugo Chavez and his hoodlums had been using the law to “hide” the repressive and intolerant nature of this Government. Last…
Get your war on early and often
My favorite pundit for these extreme times has gotten Get Your War On No. 19 out:
Lucky Ducky strikes again
Tom the Dancing Bug has been having a great old time lampooning the Wall Street Journal’s Lucky Duckies trial balloon that complained about the unfair and progressive U.S. federal income tax.
Guardian takes on “appeasers” meme
The Guardian deconstructs the “Saddam = Hitler” argument (without invoking Godwin’s Law!), and turns the table on the question of who is appeasing whom. We’ll leave deconstructing the specious “Bush = Hitler” protest signs as an exercise for the class.
Hyperventilating about Flapdoodle
On today’s New York Times op-ed pages, Bill Safire applauds the bipartisan shackling of the proposed TIA and gives cover to libertarian-inclined right-wingers waiting for a signal on Patriot II: the wrath of Ascroft. Over on the opposite side of the page Bob Herbert notes the stealthy way the Bushies are defunding “compassionate” priorities while…