Category: long story short

  • It’s nothing personal, just business

    The Bush Crime Family meme I’ve seen bandied about on the Well and elsewhere has spawned a comic at the Village Voice, The Bushopranos. Where are those humorless lefties when you need them? This cartoon fights the Bush restoration/rematch narrative that put their team within striking distance of the prize with a psychoanalytical reprise of…

  • This morning I woke up in a curfew…

    First-hand reports from Miguel Octavio of The Devil’s Excrement indicate that Hugo Chavez has jailed opposition leaders in Venezuala: Woke up in a Dictatorship todayToday I woke up in a Dictatorship. Up to now Hugo Chavez and his hoodlums had been using the law to “hide” the repressive and intolerant nature of this Government. Last…

  • Get your war on early and often

    My favorite pundit for these extreme times has gotten Get Your War On No. 19 out:

  • Lucky Ducky strikes again

    Tom the Dancing Bug has been having a great old time lampooning the Wall Street Journal’s Lucky Duckies trial balloon that complained about the unfair and progressive U.S. federal income tax.

  • Guardian takes on “appeasers” meme

    The Guardian deconstructs the “Saddam = Hitler” argument (without invoking Godwin’s Law!), and turns the table on the question of who is appeasing whom. We’ll leave deconstructing the specious “Bush = Hitler” protest signs as an exercise for the class.

  • Hyperventilating about Flapdoodle

    On today’s New York Times op-ed pages, Bill Safire applauds the bipartisan shackling of the proposed TIA and gives cover to libertarian-inclined right-wingers waiting for a signal on Patriot II: the wrath of Ascroft. Over on the opposite side of the page Bob Herbert notes the stealthy way the Bushies are defunding “compassionate” priorities while…