Category: long story short

  • Michael Lerner reconsidered

    OK, so wait a minute, is Michael Lerner (of Tikkun) “deeply silly” or not?

  • More on closed-source voting machines

    Every warblogger’s favorite idiotarian rag, The Guardian, has a little article today on voting-machine paranoia: One is Georgia, where all the votes in 2002 were cast on Diebold screens. The sitting Democratic senator and (to general astonishment) governor were both defeated in the election. Nine of Diebold’s 12 directors are listed as Republican donors. The…

  • Parsing Osama

    Speaking of jumping to conclusion, MSNBC has retracted its original interpretation of the Osama tape as saying that bin Laden encouraged the overthrow of Saddam. Apparently, while Ba’ath socialists are infidels, it’s OK to stand with them to fight against the U.S. Meanwhile, the invaluable Mark Kleiman tries to sort out the layers of meaning…

  • You haff your papers?

    Ken Layne is concerned that airlines may be dropping the ID check at the gate. He calls it “one of the only sane security checks—is the guy with the boarding pass the same guy who cleared the first security gate?” John Gilmore sees it the opposite way. He points out that “People in the US…

  • Jumping the gun

    Looks like I jumped to conclusions. The news appears to be that Kerry will have surgery for prostate cancer, not that he will be dropping out of the race. When TPM posted that this news would “shake up” the race, I mistakenly assumed this meant a reshuffling of the candiates. My bad. Best wishes to…

  • Which Dem is about to drop out?

    TPM hints that a prospective Democratic presidential candidate is about to drop out of the race for health reasons.