Category: long story short
Manifest density
For years I’ve been bugging my friends about an untenable, unmarketable, too-expensive-to-produce idea for a dynamic atlas. I’ve always been a huge fan of historical atlases, those books that show not just where the borders and populations are now but where they used to be and how they’ve changed. What I like about the idea…
Rushkoff worries democracy may be expiring
With the demise of the nonpartisan exit-polling service and the news of uncheckable voting machines owned by Republican politicians, Douglas Rushkoff has concluded that voting rights in the U.S. are in even worse shape than some of the dirty tricks in the last two election cycles may have indicated: My farewell is also a sad…
Bloggers fact-check Howard Coble’s ass
Check out the excellent work at Is That Legal? covering the Howard Coble story. Coble, who you may recall was opposed for reelection by blogger Tara Sue Grubb recently stated that the internment of Japanese-American citizens during World War II was done for their own good. This is the man in charge of Homeland Security…
They doctor recordings, don’t they?
If you didn’t find Bush’s state of the union message convincing, maybe you need to read between the lines, as in this remixed version of the SOTU speech. [via Hyperbole]
Last night a creepy wind blew west from the hills, in strange pulsing gusts, dying down to nearly nothing and then growing almost instantly to gale force, whipping shrubs and vines against our drainpipe and windows, stripping new buds from plants fooled by the false spring we’ve been having around here lately, tossing the top…
Like father, like son
This graphic published in Yahoo! News – Politics yesterday speaks volumes: