Category: Music
Warren Zevon on Hunter Thompson
Nice VH-1 interview with Warren Zevon on making music in the face of death, witty observations about Hunter S. Thompson and more: The first exchange we ever had was about 10 years ago, when my daughter and I arrived in Aspen. I said, “Dr. Thompson, I’ve got the most terrible headache you can ever imagine.…
The ebb and flow
Hot pizza
Metamemewatch: Minding the Planet
Paul Ford’s Ftrain is in full effect and from it I ended up at Nova Spivack’s Minding the Planet, wherein he asks the musical question Do You Like This Blog? Help Me Spread It Like a Virus!… If you like this blog – help me spread it like a virus to others who might like…
Do not walk on pipe
Blue sky at Point Molate
His built-in iPod
Browsing cheesedog (aka, Garret Keogh to those antiwebbers out there reading this), I found a link to the dependable Onion (I have an iPod… in my mind) which cracked me up so hard it inspired this unfortunate urge to post a link to an Onion bit, in lockstep, no doubt, with hundreds of other webloggers.…
Sunbaked parapet
Building is enormous basket
Longaberger makes baskets, and their building is a 16x scale model of one of their more popular products.
Diversity in the real world
In People Like Us, noninsane conservative columnist David Brooks writes Maybe somewhere in this country there is a truly diverse neighborhood in which a black Pentecostal minister lives next to a white anti-globalization activist, who lives next to an Asian short-order cook, who lives next to a professional golfer, who lives next to a postmodern-literature…
New York is off-line
Suddenly I’ve noticed the charms of a hosted weblogging system, now that the New York blackout has taken my server off-line. Not sure if my sites will be up again today or not till Monday. It’s too bad, too, because I’m missing “Fair and Balanced” day on the Internet.
Dear Ndugu
About Schmidt seemed to be as much about America, about the sky, about freedom, about infidelity, about regret, about clarity, about death.
the old winery
cough, cough
teh photolog
Friday is 'Fair and Balanced' day
In one of his least gonzo weblog posts ever, Neil Pollock, the world’s greatest living writer steps up to defend Al Franken against Fox News: Nonetheless, it’s the policy of this website to rise to the aid of satire whenver it’s threatened, even if the threatened satirist is three links above it on the comedy…
east is south on 580
Daypop Top and falling fast
You, gentle reader, probably did not notice my most recent experience of nanofame, a weekend flirting with the top of the weblog charts on the strength of a weak little song parody I call Blogistan Pie. Now, I’m already conflicted about Radio Free Blogistan. It’s a good outlet for my writing, memoir, and publishing interests…
The Soroses are part of the market
D-squared Digest explains why bubble markets don’t pop as soon as we might expect.
Tom Coates fact-checks the BBC
Ordinarily, Tom Coates of defends professional journalism as the province of dedicated newgathering resources and standards of professionalism, although, as he notes in On ‘two years’ of weblogs…, [A]bsolutely anyone who’s ever been featured in a news story … knows full well that journalists routinely seem to get quite important and easy-to-check facts wrong.…