Category: Music
Fraidy is a lolcat now
links for 2007-05-23
cecil vortex: An Interview with Ze Frank one of a great series of interviews (tags: article creativity ideas inspiration interesting interview music zefrank)
links for 2007-05-17
Game design patterns ya pattern library (tags: designpatterns design development game games patterns programming gamedesign)
links for 2007-05-08
Everything Yahoo! Most Yahoo properties (although Teachers isn’t there) (tags: internet lists yahoo tools services reference web list)
links for 2007-05-05
Ajax Patterns ya pattern library (tags: ajax patterns programming web2.0 reference web interaction design) patterns blog: Anti-patterns blog entry on antipatterns (tags: patterns antipatterns blog)
links for 2007-05-04
Thinking About The Strategy Behind Microsoft Silverlight (by Jeremy Zawodny) The browser is the new desktop and Microsoft is hoping that the CLR and Silverlight in general will be the new Win32 API and/or virtual machine…. Say what you will about the company, but they know how to roll out software to developers. (tags: microsoft…