Category: Music
links for 2007-03-01
xian on MyBlogLog (tags: shortcut:mybloglog pattern detective)
links for 2007-02-28
Geek to Live: Supercharge your Firefox downloads with DownThemAll from Gina Trapani’s Amazon plog (tags: firefox add-on plugin lifehack batch download wildcard pattern)
Signing up for the sake of signing up
Grab your preferred username at Useless Account before someone else does! Today’s web is crazy. Open ID is a pipe dream. Every direction you turn you’re forced to create yet another account. Most of the time it’s for one of those throw-away web startups created 10 times a day, but occasionally it’s worth the effort.…
links for 2007-02-02
ConvinceMe: Three Ways to Argue Online via trn (tags: reputation debate democracy social argument socialnetwork socialsoftware) Interesting(ness) post from O’Reilly (tags: reputation Flickr Yahoo! yahoo socialmedia interestingness)
links for 2007-01-29
The History of XMLHTTP , and Patience – Nate Koechley’s Blog (tags: ajax xmlhttp xml outlook ria webapp webservice)
links for 2007-01-26
Unmasking Digital Identities … (tags: identity digitalid privacy)