Category: Music
Consensus on 'depleted uranium'?
From the left (and from John Perry Barlow, recently) I keep hearing about how the U.S. and NATO use depleted uranium in their weapons, putting Iraqis (and others) at risk of radiation poisoning or genetic abnormalities. I also seem to recall scoffing at this or “debunking” of the danger from the right, but I don’t…
I thought I knew Victoria's secret
I always figured Victoria’s secret was that she was a guy. According to What is Victoria’s Secret? the answer is bulimia.
Where is Glenn?
Instapundit has his doubts about the identify of Raed. His comments prompted me to echo him, though: These are very interesting posts, but the question isn’t so much is Glenn real, or in Tennessee. It’s whether he’s really an ordinary American as he claims, or something else (conceivably, on either side). And that’s much harder…
If your eyes are windows to your soul
…then what is your mouth? It’s great to have my new camera, though I’ll need to get a larger flashcard soon (or stop using the silly movie feature). Treated myself to lunch today at Mama’s Royal Café, the site of one of my first dates with B.
I guess these headlines will grow stale unless I manually republish the page. Hmmm… Getting closer on adapting a perl script to aggregate RSS chronically and xlate it into HTML.
Suddenly, I'm very busy
My dance card is full now at least through May, and I’d like to spend a week or so in Greece in May or June this year, and with this flood of steady, varied, remunerative work I suddenly find myself more productive in other areas as well. I’m applying what I’ve learned and practiced over…
Shorter Chomsky Thrash
Dismayed at D-squared’s removal of his Shorten Den Beste post that finally provoked a response from the man’s reader-fans, The Poor Man offered a series of amusing Shorters, nailing himself in the process. The Chomsky one (“Shorter Noam Chomsky: Whatever someone said recently is pretty rich, considering East Timor”), which I thought was one of…
Been geeking around on a PC again. Borrowed a Dell for an upcoming documentation project and been bidding on Thinkpad’s on ebay for another project. (Found out I’m going to be working with Molly on the project I can’t talk about yet, which is cool!) So after I wondered about using my new camera part-time…
Ken Layne looking for online column
If there’s any blogger out there who deserves a decent-paying column gig, it’s Ken Layne. He’s got the writing chops, the journalism dues paid, and the blog cred. What more is required?
Uncle Osama wants you
Too much work, constant deadlines, and a general disgust with the state of geopolitics has made me reduce my reading of the media to a bare minimum. It’s too easy to get stressed out and crazy from the barrage of propaganda, lies, and distorted truths in the mediasphere. Blogs are no better, in general, but…
Ain't no thesis like a P-Funk thesis…
Is the academic world ready for the awesome power of a fully operational mothership? Scot Hacker reports that an article he wrote on Parliament-Funkadelic for a book by Pagan Kennedy has inspired a master’s thesis. Now maybe his seminal writings on Liberace will finally get the attention they deserve in the ivory towers of our…
Confidentiality Notice
This message is intended exclusively for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. This communication may contain information that is proprietary, privileged, confidential or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. If you are not the named addressee, you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy or disseminate this message or any part of…
Drawing a bead
Happy Mardi Gras. The beadcam shows a pretty tame daytime scene at this moment, but it may get more interesting this evening. [via MZ]
Just noticed
Get Your War On’s tribute to Mr. Rogers.
Who is
So I’m goofing around thumbing through the always entertaining Craigslist and I notice that they’ve added (or made more accessible) a system basically allowing people to flag items as inappropriate, misfiled, or especially good. In a way it’s like the modding up and down they do at Slashdot. Anyway, I go to check out the…
Curious juxtaposition No. 2
1997: 2003:
Nothing to see here
Test category-based trackback ping functionality between this blog and metaxian, which really sohuld be and eventually probably will be just a category of this blog. Now move along.
X-POLLEN design maintenance
X-POLLEN design maintenance DONE add comments links – 10 DONE add rss modules DONE fix CSS problems THE BANNER THAT WASN’T WORKING: +-+—-+ |B| | +-+blog| |s|body| |i| | |d| | |e| | +-+ | | | | | +—-+ Here was the offending CSS code (though I should probably include the sidebar code it…
But did he?
Cory Doctorow quotes himself in BoingBoing: Doctorow on Gibson in Mindjack My review of WIlliam Gibson’s Pattern Recognition is up on Mindjack today. The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.” This is, after all, the man who coined the word “cyberspace”… Ah, but did he? My understanding…
Damn! I subscribe to Mike Watt’s mailing list and wade through tons of announcements for gigs in the southland and then I miss a rare Banyan appearance in an intimate SF room? What’s wrong with me? How frustrating. It’s been too long since I heard my favorite bass player. Scot Hacker was there: To Elbo…
Bit the bullet
Just now finally got around to upgrading the version of Movable Type driving this X-POLLEN blog. Since I installed version 2.5 there was a 2.51 upgrade and possibly a 2.52, and then the recent more substantial release of 2.6, quickly followed by bugfixes 2.61 and 2.62. So I managed to avoid a lot of interim…