Category: Music

  • Blogs briefing the press

    Billmon think’s truly pathetic that journalists are getting their background on the Plame Affair from blogs, but one of his commenters points out that its the journalists who aren’t reading blogs who are harder to understand. It’s a great thread, not least because it includes this rewrite of Shakespeare by “Monica”: To the liberal blogosphere:…

  • Schwarzenegger is scary

    Last night I saw Arnold’s “Indian Gaming” ad and when he said, “I promise you, things will change” I suddenly realized that we are in fact a phantasm in the mind of Philip K. Dick, still transfixed by a sourceless beam of pink light, turning Hollywood into reality, one politician at a time. On the…

  • Working titles

    When I get around to writing a novel loosely based on this period of my life (but not legally actionable), I may want to call it South Lake. I like the name for some reason. I try to name all my novels, even the ones that are still just a glimmer in my eye. Having…

  • South Lake

    B commented on how it seems that numerous people we know have bought houses in the Brooklyn area on the south side of Lake Merritt (between Lake Shore and Park Boulevard). We live in a strangle little interstitial rhombus, bounded roughly by Oakland High on Park Blvd., Highland Hospital over on 14th. Ave., 580, the…

  • Substantial blogging at Edwards site

    Mike Kasper from (an unofficial Edwards-supporter site) followed up my comment from a few days ago about John Edwards writing some of his own blog entries. I compared his first efforts to cat-blogging, in the sense of journal- or diaristic entries. I actually think that’s a good place to start and not a bad…

  • What is NewsMax?

    And why does it send me right-wing spam?