Category: Music
links for 2007-05-08
Everything Yahoo! Most Yahoo properties (although Teachers isn’t there) (tags: internet lists yahoo tools services reference web list)
links for 2007-05-05
Ajax Patterns ya pattern library (tags: ajax patterns programming web2.0 reference web interaction design) patterns blog: Anti-patterns blog entry on antipatterns (tags: patterns antipatterns blog)
links for 2007-05-04
Thinking About The Strategy Behind Microsoft Silverlight (by Jeremy Zawodny) The browser is the new desktop and Microsoft is hoping that the CLR and Silverlight in general will be the new Win32 API and/or virtual machine…. Say what you will about the company, but they know how to roll out software to developers. (tags: microsoft…
links for 2007-04-30
GoLoco GoLoco is a service that helps people quickly arrange ride sharing between friends, neighbors, and colleagues. We also handle online payments from passengers to drivers for their share of the trip costs. (tags: cars community cool geo network reputation sharing ridesharing environment social car transportation) WNYC – New Sounds: West Africa Unwired (April 26,…
links for 2007-04-25
George McGovern: Cheney is wrong about me, wrong about war – Los Angeles Times McGovern takes Cheney to the woodshed (tags: bush impeachment iraq news world politics 1972 nixon mcgovern rove) Dr. Bloglove, or how I learned to stop using RSS and love the web i also abandoned my RSS reader several years ago and…
links for 2007-04-23
Sex and the internet | Devices and desires | social software challenging pr0n for preeminence online? (tags: internet networks sex social socialnetworking statistics porn trends web) Yes, you should be using personas (disambiguity) “personas should be edge cases” (tags: development ux research design personas requirements) Social Software Building Blocks / nForm / Customer Insight,…
links for 2007-04-21
‘Pipe organ’ plays above the Sun much like plucking a guitar string (tags: astronomy music science space acoustics guitar)
I'm stuck
My first article at a new music blogzine called Stuck Between Stations went live today. It’s called Goodbye, Ruby Grapefruit. Joe Bob says check it out.
links for 2007-04-17
YUI: CSS Grid Builder amazingly useful grid layout tool for CSS (tags: css design development free grid yui tools layout yahoo webdesign) Get a First Life: A One Page Satire of Second Life speaks for itself (tags: culture fun funny humor parody satire secondlife) Dear Internet ( we get Paul Ford back, now that his…
links for 2007-04-14
Flickr Community Guidelines social web pattern exemplar (tags: flickr community guidelines rules blogging copyright images moderation society online patterns designpatterns design-patterns social web socialweb livingweb pattern example exemplar)
links for 2007-04-13
About the Portland Form A method for writing Alexander-like patterns (tags: patterns design-patterns designpatterns pattern–languages pattern-writing) Not On This Wiki things the first wiki deliberately doesn’t support (tags: wiki html css moderation version+control)
links for 2007-04-12
Moderation Strategies | Main / PatternLanguage Clay Shirky pattern library, largely focused on social patterns (tags: collaboration community design ia patterns socialsoftware wiki) Little Springs Mobile Pattern Library: Mobile User Interface Design Patterns A mobile user interface pattern library wiki originating from Chapter 6 of Designing the Mobile User Experience, John Wiley & Sons, 2007.…
links for 2007-04-11
Design Patterns: An Evolutionary Step to Managing Complex Sites 2003 article from Jared Spool (tags: design design-patterns patterns pattern interface interaction ui) Snipshot: Edit pictures online just like it sounds (tags: photo editor web2.0 tools online photography photos) Collection: Design Patterns factoryjoe’s pattern collections (tags: designpatterns design-patterns design patterns webdesign ui inspiration) Noise Between Stations…
links for 2007-04-10
Bayeux Tapestry animated (on YouTube) (tags: video medieval animation tapestry art craft) Magic Ink: Information Software and the Graphical Interface ‘information’ pushes back against ‘interaction’ (tags: design article usability interface software programming graphics toread interaction information terminology concepts frameworks patterns)
links for 2007-04-09
“Design Patterns” Aren’t Critique of the ‘Gang of Four’ style design patterns arguing that they are more mundane and less useful and inspiring than the Christopher Alexander (“original”) concept of patterns for architectural design. (tags: patterns metapatterns programming design architecture design-patterns)
links for 2007-04-07
JesusPets If Jesus returns tonight, who will feed your pets tomorrow? (tags: sacrelicious religion humor pets funny jesus christianity) “Self-Googling” Isn’t Just Vanity; It’s a Shrewd Form of Personal “Brand Management,” Says UB Internet-Culture Expert – UB NewsCenter Alex Halavais bought his own name from adwords to track how often people google him. (tags: identity…
links for 2007-04-06
Identity 2.0 i still don’t know dick, but i should (tags: identity web2.0 identity2.0 ID digital design openid socialsoftware presence digitalID)
links for 2007-04-05
MonsterID [] generate a unique monster avatar (tags: presence avatar monsterid avatars ID identity) – Talking to Myself with SimulScribe christopher fahey recommends automatic voicemail transcription to email service (tags: voicemail voice transcription notes notes-to-self recommendations) Interaction Design Style (My IA Summit 2007 Presentation) christopher fahey’s brilliant presentation, apologia for style in design (tags:…
links for 2007-04-04
stikkit Vander Wal recommends… (tags: productivity web2.0 tools notes lifehack)
links for 2007-04-03
Podcasting Antipatterns (tags: antipatterns patterns)
links for 2007-04-02 – Pattern Mining What knowledge would be lost to the company if I were to leave tomorrow? What do I know that I have done a thousand times that I think everyone already knows? (tags: patterns pattern)