Category: Music

  • links for 2007-03-28

    To-Don’t finally, an antidote to all the to do about nothing (tags: entertainment socialsoftware webapp) Identity 2.0 » AOL/AIM users now have an OpenID! (tags: openid identity presence)

  • links for 2007-03-22 » Understanding Avatars, Part 3: Samples fascinating insights into how we represent ourselves in games and social media (tags: sociology socialnetworking avatars presence identity socialmedia games) Twitter Fan Wiki – This is the unofficial place where Tw… (tags: twitter wiki socialnetworking social mashups hacks community presence socialnetworks socialsoftware) Wired News: Pentagon Preps Mind Fields…

  • links for 2007-03-21

    How to make custom Twitter groups (tags: twitter pipes mashup)

  • links for 2007-03-16

    TagCommons (tags: tagging folksonomy ontology tags community folksonomies SemanticWeb) Ontology of Folksonomy Yes, we agree, tags are cool. I am a big fan of collective intelligence, and have personally experienced the power of collaborative tagging. With my collaborators at RealTravel, we have built a “Web 2.0” product that has user contributed content, social n (tags:…

  • Your ISP is selling your attention

    Compete CEO: ISPs Sell Clickstreams For $5 A Month – Seeking Alpha: > The Open Data morning session ended with a general consensus that consumers would be surprised and outraged by the amount of online data that is being collected, stored, and sold – and that sooner or later some smart journalist will pretend to…

  • links for 2007-03-15

    The Poor Man Institute » It takes a nation of Borats to hold us back So to my mind, that’s the biggest problem: that so many people still don’t understand how the internet works, because they keep seeing it as one thing – an exact one-for-one copy of every person using it, rendered into smileys…

  • links for 2007-03-01

    xian on MyBlogLog (tags: shortcut:mybloglog pattern detective)

  • links for 2007-02-28

    Geek to Live: Supercharge your Firefox downloads with DownThemAll from Gina Trapani’s Amazon plog (tags: firefox add-on plugin lifehack batch download wildcard pattern)

  • Signing up for the sake of signing up

    Grab your preferred username at Useless Account before someone else does! Today’s web is crazy. Open ID is a pipe dream. Every direction you turn you’re forced to create yet another account. Most of the time it’s for one of those throw-away web startups created 10 times a day, but occasionally it’s worth the effort.…

  • links for 2007-02-02

    ConvinceMe: Three Ways to Argue Online via trn (tags: reputation debate democracy social argument socialnetwork socialsoftware) Interesting(ness) post from O’Reilly (tags: reputation Flickr Yahoo! yahoo socialmedia interestingness)

  • links for 2007-01-29

    The History of XMLHTTP , and Patience – Nate Koechley’s Blog (tags: ajax xmlhttp xml outlook ria webapp webservice)

  • links for 2007-01-26

    Unmasking Digital Identities … (tags: identity digitalid privacy)

  • links for 2007-01-25

    What are stealth settings and how do I use them? – Yahoo! Messenger (tags: presence IM) Tagging’s Hip in 07 at Rareface (tags: tags tagging ego) Phil Windley’s Technometria | MicroID Plugin for MovableType (tags: microID identity digitalID claim blog microcontent plugin microformats extension) Flickr Photos – MT (Movable Type) Hacks widget for mt sidebar…

  • Pardon our dust

    I got tired of the old design and wanted to take advantage of some of the new-er features of the blog software I’m using, so I’ve temporarily redone the design with one of their canned themes. Soon I’ll start tweaking the typography and colors and spacing and such and adding back in some of the…

  • Feinstein can pry my MP3's from my cold dead fingers

    Adina Levin sent me a head’s up (discussed on her blog: BookBlog: Dianne Feinstein wants to ban mp3) about the resurrection of the PERFORM act (why am I not surprised Lieberman is a co-sponsor?): Hi, all. Don’t know if you’ve seen this, but Senator Feinstein has just re-introduced the PERFORM act, a bill that makes…

  • Local blogging gets a site

    The talented Lisa Williams has launched Placeblogger: PressThink: Check out It’s About All Those Hyperlocal News Sites Springing Up… …via George, who pointed out the article in Poynter wherein it is written […] Today, Lisa Williams debuted Placeblogger, an online resource that lists and showcases placeblogs — so far 713 from around the U.S.,…

  • I'm a weiner

    The novel isn’t done. Well, the month isn’t over until midnight tonight, and I haven’t hit “The End” yet but am aiming to do so sometime today. But I crossed the finish line from the National Novel Writing Month perspective last night when I exceeded 50,000 words written in November. w00t! It only took my…

  • That time again

    Last year I did National Novel Writing Month and managed to bang out 30,000 words of my novel For You, The Stars. I wrote nearly every day of the month and averaged slightly more than 1000 words a day, short of the 50,000 word target for NaNoWriMo participants but still a heckuva lot more fiction…

  • Beaker sings 'Feelings'

    Today’s been pretty stressful. This was just the chuckle I needed:

  • Need that elusive chinchilla sound effect?

    Now here’s something useful:

  • Blogging and identity panel proposal for SXSW

    Hugh Forrest, the indomitable lead organizer of South by Southwest Interactive has announced a public process for voting on and vetting panel ideas for next year’s conference. Apparently it will take several rounds, with the first round narrowing down the 173 panel proposals. The voting is open to anyone, but the votes of past attendees…