Category: Musicology
links for 2007-01-29
The History of XMLHTTP , and Patience – Nate Koechley’s Blog (tags: ajax xmlhttp xml outlook ria webapp webservice)
links for 2007-01-26
Unmasking Digital Identities … (tags: identity digitalid privacy)
links for 2007-01-25
What are stealth settings and how do I use them? – Yahoo! Messenger (tags: presence IM) Tagging’s Hip in 07 at Rareface (tags: tags tagging ego) Phil Windley’s Technometria | MicroID Plugin for MovableType (tags: microID identity digitalID claim blog microcontent plugin microformats extension) Flickr Photos – MT (Movable Type) Hacks widget for mt sidebar…
Pardon our dust
I got tired of the old design and wanted to take advantage of some of the new-er features of the blog software I’m using, so I’ve temporarily redone the design with one of their canned themes. Soon I’ll start tweaking the typography and colors and spacing and such and adding back in some of the…
Feinstein can pry my MP3's from my cold dead fingers
Adina Levin sent me a head’s up (discussed on her blog: BookBlog: Dianne Feinstein wants to ban mp3) about the resurrection of the PERFORM act (why am I not surprised Lieberman is a co-sponsor?): Hi, all. Don’t know if you’ve seen this, but Senator Feinstein has just re-introduced the PERFORM act, a bill that makes…
Local blogging gets a site
The talented Lisa Williams has launched Placeblogger: PressThink: Check out It’s About All Those Hyperlocal News Sites Springing Up… …via George, who pointed out the article in Poynter wherein it is written […] Today, Lisa Williams debuted Placeblogger, an online resource that lists and showcases placeblogs — so far 713 from around the U.S.,…