Category: the Dead, man…

  • Bertha trainwreck

    Bertha trainwreck by Christian Crumlish & co.

  • A town the size of Mountain View

    Starting to get this cover tune into shape (a Hunter/Garcia original that debuted on Jerry Garcia’s first solo album, Garcia, and popularized by the Dead):

  • Now it can be told

    The walrus was nick…

  • I know a little something

    Before applying the electrodes to the heart of the typewriter yesterday my last post here was about an experiment I started last July of posting videos of myself playing and singing songs to YouTube. That’s really where my “blogging” energy has been since then, as I have built of quite a body of performances. It’s…

  • One day in California, 1987

    One day in California, 1987

    What I do know is that at the end of the first set, Steve was basically a convert, utterly convinced that this was a thing and he was doing it. I’d gotten other friends to this point, especially after the exciting crescendo at the end of a first set. It’s a bit of a crossroads:…

  • A book for those who got in the bus in the '80s

    … As we know, it couldn’t last. It was a bubble of sorts, but its surface tension held for a crucial stretch of years, long enough to sustain this pocket of the counterculture until reinforcements could arrive, tune up, plug in, and rock out….

  • My slides from Unbroken Chain

    Here are my slides from our panel at UMass (called “They Made a Fine Connection”): | View | Upload your own Without my comments, the slides are kind of telegraphic. If I get a sound recording of our panel, I’d link them together into a slidecast. I’ll also put my thoughts down about the symposium…

  • How you say I Know You Rider en Francais?

    Earlier this year a friend on the Deadwood Society mailing list sent around this video excerpt from a French film called Gimme shelter, l’Airplane et les Stones à Altamont. The first half of the clip shows the Dead playing “I Know You Rider” in Hérouville in 1971. I love the band from that era. Lean,…