Category: bodega
Urban Roadkill
As I was driving home from the shrink today — someone hit a possum. Jelly red along the seam where it broke, like an empty purse along the curb. Made me feel ill, made me worry about the cat. People all going to school or work not noticing death.
How Might This Go Wrong?
That’s the question I’m always asking myself. It helps, in its way. I avoid pitfalls. I thrive. But I live in fear. There’s a traditional answer to that question: The way it always does.
You Know You're Obsessed When
I dreamed I was a column of type printed in black on a black background, placed in a black cardboard box and buried. I was so tired and it was so restful in the dark.
Time to trim my fingernails again
Didn’t I just do that?
Night Soldiers by Stephen Furst
Just finished this novel. It’s mainly about espionage centered around the Balkans before and during World War II (with a long side trip to Spain during the civil war and France before and during the occupation). It’s really a masterpiece. Beautifully written from beginning to end, an encyclopedia of European culture around the fringes. I…
blog central station
well, impatient for the ultimate perfect personal expression platform, i’ve started cobbling together various sites and blogs to at least get the ball rolling. i’m intrigued by this “movable type” product that seems to have a lot of what i’m looking for. they even call it a personal publishing tool or something like that. in…
It's the Secrecy, Stupid
Enron is a sideshow. The persistent ill-behavior of the present administration is most evident in its relentless bent toward secrecy – secrecy for Republican administrations, that is. A court just ruled that the Admin must release thousands of documents pertaining to those same energy policy task-force meetings that Cheney is stonewalling the GAO about. Hiding…
frazzled, but
the pressure from the book in the home stretch is getting to me. (why is it always at the end that you think of great topics that should have been addressed in earlier chapters?) i’m doing what i can to stay centered, but i’m having trouble relaxing. remind myself: busy < > rushing relaxed <…
Parents and OS X
writes about converting his dad from a Mac to a BeOS box to a PC and now back to the Mac with the new OS. I never would have dared try to set up my parents on the Be system but I did intuitively put my dad in a Mac when it was time for…
does Verizon bite?
is it just me or just where i live (s.f. east bay, hillocks), or is it my habit of moving around? or does verizon totally suck? what is the current standard of lameness in wireless phones? i’m new to this and it’s hard to judge. can a specific phone be especially bad at keeping connection…
cat vigilance
because our adopted cat fraidy is only allowed in the kitchen of the house, we constantly have to shoo her out of the bedroom or the livingroom or my office. this leads to a hallucinatory effect called phantom cat where a pair of boots or a pocketbook or even some socks – out of the…
subconscious much?
so i’m in the middle of my “long morning” yoga routine when the phone rings. i hate it when people call before 9 A.M. but then i hear the voice on my answering machine. it’s my therapist wondering where i am. once again, i’ve missed my Monday morning appointment! how frustrating! am i doing it…
radioactive smoke alarms
well, the smoke alarms in our house have both been nonprotecting us for some time now. there’s no battery in one and the battery in the other is dead. recently i bought some new alarms that claim to have a 10-year battery life, but it seems that they all use a radioactive element to detect…
message in a bottle, yeah
proving somehow that life is continuous and accretive, and not a series of disconnected flashes and interludes as it sometimes seen, i am now discovering on my hard disk, in my e-mail archives, and stashed away on my web server many little time capsules left there for me to find by an earlier me. i…
slowly, the beast awakens
put together a page for my past online journal experiments and some of the ongoing newblogs I hope to make part of my PEP project, including Uncle John’s Blog for Dead Heads and the already mentioned artsflow blog for people into emerging art and literature.
if you are dick cheney, press 6
check out for wit city’s take on enron’s voicemail tree.
this old mac
well, the ‘e’ key popped off my powerbook over a year ago and i got used to typing directly on the stump. now the ‘w’ key has followed it. i’m getting closer and closer to that TiBook all the time… if only the damn payment from Norway for my old domain would come through!
customizing the <title>TITLE</title>
is there some easy way i can change “xian’s LiveJournal” to “xian’s bodega” both in my title bar and in the body of my journal page?
elmer fudd at google
from the intrepid mz: Google has developed search interfaces in many different languages: Among these are Borkborkbork, Elmer Fudd, Hacker, Klingon, and Pig Latin. You can set the Google homepage, messages, and buttons to display in your selected interface language via the Preferences page.
won't get fooled again
reading an article in salon on who’s next, i am filled with the sudden urge to slap that baby on the turntable… er, the cd player. and my thoughts turn to that reissue of live at leeds that came out a few year’s back. see it’s not all the grateful dead with me! x got…
so i went out in the rain
out to do some errands this afternoon, i was kind of hungry and kept passing places i meant to stop at. for instance, i had some shirts to tak e into the cleaners and one to pick up, but i drove right past the cleaners. for some reason my mind was stuck on the idea…