Category: bodega
Mickey Kaus says, “You know the blogging trend must be almost over when Time Magazine has a blog.” Oh no, I just linked to Microsoft!
Half-Assed Bodhisattva
bodhisattva take yourself by the hand
One (More) Down, Two to Go
Spent all day re-revising the color insert and finally just sent it in. I’m starved! That’s what I get for blogging away the morning hours. Now I just need to finish the endpapers (they’re good to go, but need screen shot refs for the chapter summaries on the inside front cover, and some table formatting…
When Did LiveJournal Implement RSS
Purty cool. This was one of my complaints (very slooowly driving me to use MovableType for all my blogging needs), the lack of RSS support. I guess I need to add a permanent link somewheres saying something like bodega syndicate. Whoah, syndicate is one of those words that starts to look like it’s spelled wrong…
Feed Your Head
As promised, a photo that should melt your heart be it made of stone: (For some reason, her eyes—which are albino pink—show up darker in these photos. Yes, photos. I’ll post more if anyone begs me to.)
This article by Boing Boing co-editor Cory Doctorow is a great explanation of why I feel the need for a “personal expression platform” and what makes me want to get the mediajunkie project off the blocks. I’m reminded of the late ’80s when I encountered Negativland’s Escape from Noise album and then De La Soul’s…