Category: bodega

  • all clear

    ok, in the clear light of day i figured it out. bodega has now made bodega a member of memewatcher, and bodega has now made bodega able to post to memewatcher…

  • help with community blogging!

    so i turned my other livejournal, “artsflow” (username: ) into a community blog, so that other people could post arts announcements, and now i can’t post to it! i can’t figure out if i (bodega) or i (memewatcher) should be doing the admin but neither seems to have permission to add users or anything at…

  • scratchy-throat blues

    i think 3 colds is enough for one winter (or, technically, a flu, a bronchitis/infection, and a milder cold), so i’m hoping the rawness where my sinuses drip into the back of my throat is more like an allergy/dust/cat/smoke kinda thing and not a harbinger of blahs to come. can’t complain, though – i just…

  • discourse & dissent

    i couldn’t resist grabbing this little bit of agitprop found art: from a newspaper dispenser in downtown san francisco.

  • breathe life into enterzone

    that’s how Levi put it, replying to my reply of his comments. leave all this other stuff aside. all this other stuff IS ezone, i’m trying to explain… it has to be fun for me. it has to be collaborative, distributed, etc. but i am doing my part. lay off me man. there’s no should…

  • them crossed-out to-do's

    been getting stuff done! time to purge all the crossed-out stuff on my palm desktop, but not to forget (at least the nonconfidential stuff) these completed to-do’s: set up princeton interview with interviewee register for deadcon transfer home savings to joint savings fax SYX agreement to get printer paper complete SYX contact namechange, fax…