Category: 2004 Election
and also
for the weblog for my forthcoming book
We’d like to thank you Herbert Hoover
…for really showing us the way
Chimps disavow president
George W. Bush is NOT a chimp
Is ‘Fahrenheit’ Swinging?
I think the people who say Fareihnheit won’t reach many of the undecided have forgotten about the kids. For one thing, millions of kids have going to the movies built into their weekend schedules. They don’t have to be pried loose from their homes by special interest in a parcticular film. And given that you…
A one-story state?
It seems to me that it’s easy enough to dismiss or reject Michael Moore’s worldview and interpretation of facts and documentary evidence (hint to pundits: “documentary” means “based on documents”), but isn’t the nation entitled to at least have a counterstory to consider? Or is it unpatriotic to propose such a different storyline? Since ’96…
Of Thee I Sing
We have just come back from the grand Grand Lake Theater after seeing Farenheit 911, the Michael Moore paen to America. Yes, it is. And perhaps also to mothers who weep when their children die in wars that are unnecessary. The people are flocking to see this movie because everyone is talking about it, not…