Category: Iraq

  • Grotian to the max

    One of the best ways to follow Saddam Hussein’s trial may just be Case School of Law’s new Grotian Moment Blog. (via TalkLeft)

  • Karl Rove prepared for war

    I’m not sure Rove is prepared for the way these liberal soldiers and veterans are pissed at his divisive comments about how different Americans responded to 9/11: Take it to Karl

  • The press gang redux

    I realize the military is hard-up for recruits but I have nothing but respect for the Marines, so I was dismayed to read this article: When Marine recruiters go way beyond the call. Do we really need to take advantage of the young and unworldy to fill our ranks? If so, we’re in more trouble…

  • Why I don’t give a shit about Laura Bush’s jokes

    Quoting from Attytood: W.’s “runaway bride” and the ‘gotcha’ story that wasn’t gotten: Laura Bush telling a scripted joke isn’t news anymore than is a troubled woman walking out on a wedding and panicking. There’s one striking thing we didn’t see on all the First Lady video overkill, and that was any of the guffawing…

  • No Flawed Policies Here.

    “Admiral Church concluded that the abuse of prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan had been the result primarily of a breakdown of discipline, not flawed policies or misguided direction” NYT That old “Do your own thing” military! Got me thinking: Maybe they could have policies and direction that involved beakdowns of discipline, that discouraged them. I…

  • The made-for-TV war

    According to this report (Ex-Marine Says Public Version of Saddam Capture Fiction), the much-vaunted capture of Saddam in his spiderhole was fictitious. If true, it might be time to add your sense of what’s real to the list of collateral damage from the propaganda war.