Category: Edgewise

  • Please welcome

    Briggs Nisbet, cowriter of True Dirt, has joined the contributing staff of Edgewise, writing an occasional column called Hellmouth. (Two back entries have been imported from Briggs’ former standalone blog of the same name.) Please welcome Briggs to our family.

  • Howard Dean’s humanity

    When I read in the Times that Dean’s teenage son said to him (I can just imagine thte exact tone of voice) “I can’t believe you ran for president!” and Dean said that it made him laugh, I liked all the more, all over again. Last night the local DFA organizers in Berkeley and Oakland…

  • And it’s nuance by a nose

    I’ve boiled down the messages of the last three viable presidential candidates in this election. Eventually, I got it down to one word each, so here they are: Dean: Truth Kerry: Nuance Bush: Lies

  • Kerry the redeemer

    I think I’ve got the storyline that wins the election for Kerry. (Caveat: I’ve been out on limbs before.) Taegan Goddard notes that Kerry has thus far successfully targeted veterans. Here’s how I see it. Kerry served. He did his duty. Like all thinking people of his age group in that time, he had doubts…

  • This is the way the wheels come off

    Great comment from a reader of Kevin “CalPundit” Drum’s new Political Animal blog / column at The Washington Monthly: A lot of my family are conservatives and they are turning on W. Some are just upset about deficit spending, but most are learning that lying about your sex life is nothing when compared to lying…

  • Is it just me?

    Or has Jim Lehrer been kicking Bush’s ass all week?