Category: Edgewise

  • Well, they’re not all that concerned.

    “The Republican Party is taking pro-family conservatives for granted,” said Mike Mears, executive director of the political action committee of Concerned Women for America, which promotes biblical values. –“Some Seek ‘Pink Purge’ in the GOP,” LA Times DKo: No, it’s not a mistake; I’ve seen him quoted before.

  • MAPlight helps you ‘follow the money’

    Years ago B and I dreamed about something called the “Senator From” project, based on the idea that, for example, Scoop Jackson used to be known as “the Senator from Boeing.” We’d take the public info available and identify the largest contributors to candidate and officeholder. Great idea, but we didn’t know how to execute…

  • Take election day off

    The Democratic Party is asking people to take election day off to do last minute get out the vote work – The Democratic Party | Take a Day Off for Democracy – an area where the Republicans traditionally beat us. I’m in.

  • Bush insider: Bush administration used and mocked Christian right

    MSNBC reports that a new book called Tempting Faith, by former administration official David Kuo, gives an inside look at the Bush administration that’s bound to give some of the Christian Right pause on election day. He says some of the nation’s most prominent evangelical leaders were known in the office of presidential political strategist…

  • John Murtha’s not mincing words

    Here’s an amazing snippet a friend just emailed me. This is from a new exhortation written by Congressman John Murtha: A year ago when I presented my plan for Iraq, I did it to provide leadership and protect our troops. The Republicans have spent their time name-calling while the situation for our troops in…

  • The Democrats Will Have to Be Detained

    I’ve put together a couple of things President Bush has revealed recently about the Democrats in Congress; it is awfully sobering, but very clear, what he is going to have to do. (My italics.) Bush: [I]f somebody from al Qaeda is calling into the United States…we need to know…what they’re planning …. 177 Democrats voted…