Category: Edgewise
How Could I Have Missed the Joke?
For those of a certain age. Republicans’ comments may hurt at polls, AP “One Republican senator [Burns, MT], described his house painter as a ‘little Guatemalan man.’ Another [Allen, VA], called an Indian man a ‘macaca,’ a type of monkey.” “[T]he comments by Burns and Allen have garnered heavy attention as their party is trying…
Two Red Herrings
My Google news alerts have whispered to me that two Red Herrings are diverting the focus of media coverage these days. Since I seem to have been programmed from youth to pass on what I think I’ve learned, here’s my guesswork: Iran Sanctions. The solidity of the six-nation alliance confronting Iran is thought to rest…
The Office of The Suspector
There has been speculation* that somewhere in the national security establishment there is an official known as The Suspector. When someone wants to wiretap conversations with an individual, they bring that person’s name to The Suspector, and ask, “Do you suspect this person of having terrorist connections?” The Suspector says, “Yes.” (After all, you are…
Two Countries Need to Be Put on the Spot
“With hard-liners riding high in Tehran, there’s little chance of changing minds there. But the White House should still try, offering security guarantees in exchange for Iran’s giving up technology that could feed a nuclear weapons program.” NYT Editorial, “Still Spinning,” 8/14/06 Well, will the White House “still try, offering security guarantees”? Is the White…
Are the Republicans Tough Anymore?
In the aftermath of the foiled terror plot in the UK, it seems as if the Bush administration and congressional Republicans have suddenly lost their bearings. For a few months this year, they were relentlessly focused on the keys to a safe America, but now they are all over the map. Americans want to know…
Speaking of ‘Connecticut for Lieberman’
Looks like his team forgot to register the domain: The Connecticut for Lieberman Party