Category: Edgewise

  • New York Times Hides Cheney Spy

    Hid him in plain sight, I might add, on the back page of the Saturday national edition. And here’s the bland headline to David Johnston’s inscrutable article on Paul Wolfowitz’s former minion in the Department of Defense’s “Office of Special Plans” who has just been sentenced to 12 years and seven months in prison (and…

  • Whose Eyebrows?

    Drudge is linking to a story on and echoing their subhead, which reads: “Clinton’s Use Of Word ‘Plantation’ Raises Eyebrows.” I don’t know about you (I mean, really, I don’t) but when I read that headline over on Drudge I thought, ‘Holy cow, Hillary went and said something racially insenitive on MLK Day. What…

  • Elections–A Luxury in Wartime?

    In peacetime, it is vitally important to our American democracy that we adhere to the legally scheduled election-cycles in choosing and changing our high public officials. This allows candidates and parties who are not currently in power to challenge and, if they prevail, to replace those presently in office. In wartime, however, when the very…

  • It’s OK. Love the man.

    If you’re a Democrat, whatever your feelings about Howard Dean, it’s hard to watch this sequence and not, at least momentarily, love the man. Go on. Watch this video. I double-Democrat-dare you not to love him.

  • Gore won in 2000

    I know I’m supposed to be “over it” by now, but dammitall, I’m not. Lance deHaven-Smith, who wrote The Battle for Florida (University Press of Florida, 2005, explains it thusly: > It’s an embarrassing outcome for George Bush because it showed that Gore had gotten more votes. Everybody had thought that the chads were where…

  • Lawless presidents

    Since when do we have a system of Government where the President can simply “waive” away laws? That’s from Glenn Greenwald in a well-considered and comprehensive commentary, “An Ideology of Lawlessness” at digby’s blogspot. Take a read and educate yerself. I have to comment myself, however, on lawless precedents of American presidents since this ain’t…