Category: Edgewise

  • Fa love Pa!

    OK, this story about missing killer dolphins in the Gulf Coast is just creepy.

  • Shock and Opossumism

    Bush ‘encouraged’ despite report on Iraqi troops, Reuters During congressional testimony on Thursday, Gen. George Casey, top U.S. commander in Iraq, and Gen. John Abizaid, top U.S. commander in the Middle East, said the number of such battalions [that can go into combat without the help of the U.S. military] had dropped since July to…

  • George W. Ozymandias

    It is hard to express how catastrophic these kinds of results from a very mainstream survey are for the President of unilateral “shock and awe.” There is no middle ground. The last great military Superpower must either rule the world , or else become mere meathead muscle for the policies of other lands Public Rejects…

  • War Is Where You Find It

    Anti-war protesters pick up steam and take cause to D.C. . “Organizers expect more than 100,000 people for a march around the White House on Saturday. Sheehan is scheduled to speak. Rallies by war supporters are expected along the route.” USA Today 9/24/05 –The war supporters are expected to include some who support the current…

  • Call Me a Shabbas Goy, But…

    This kind of thing turns my stomach: rove was just singing to the choir– curious group of people, look at the names alot of Jews must have been a strategy session I found it on the Huffington Post in a thread on off-the-record remarks by Karl Rove. The post, which I’ve quoted in full, is…

  • David Brooks can go to Hell or New Orleans

    His choice–for saying “We have to think about whether we want to rebuild New Orleans” on the (Lehrer) News Hour this afternoon. Whaddya mean “we” Mr. Smarty Pundit?! Like, if a hurricane had destroyed Washington D.C. there would be a vote to decide whether or not it was wise to rebuild the nation’s capitol in…