Category: Edgewise

  • Taking David Brooks to the woodshed

    A pointer from Politics from Left to Right led me to Kirsten Powers’ Progressive Pundette blog, where I greatly enjoyed her giving David Brooks what for (David Brooks — Ultimate White Boy). Sometimes I can’t tell if Brooks is a deluded tool or an insidious creep.

  • Why I read the Poor Man religiously

    It’s simple, really: Even his throwaway lines are 10 x teh funny of just about any other blog out there. For example, in Hugh Hewitt is the stupidest man alive, he locates the source of the Happy Talk Virus in “the right-wing Prozacosphere.”

  • Are they lining up Hizbollah for the Syria sequel?

    James Wolcott notices (Second Verse, Same as the First) that the Syrian-sponsored, Lebanon-based, Israel-hating Party of God terrorist group is being groomed for supervillain status in the next big middle east blockbuster coming soon to an election season near you. B said we should have a party of God in this country. We do, I…

  • you are what you et

    I had to wonder, hearing that George W. was going to dine with the president of France on his European “friendship tour,” whether he managed to spit his escargot into his napkin like a good patriot. This was because I had just read Deanna Swift’s Feb. 7 report on the recent departure of Walter Scheib…

  • Red-baiting the AARP

    So this astroturf Linkletterish front group claiming to represent the elderly, “USA Next,” is now trying to paint the AARP pink in order to cram Social Security reform deconstruction down our collective throats. Steve Soto at The Left Coaster thinks we shouldn’t let the GOP get away with it and has some ideas about how…

  • The Nation likes Dean

    Now He Has the Power, writes John Nichols. As has often been the case, conventional wisdom on Howard Dean is dead wrong: The Washington-insider line on Dean was that he would be anathema to Democrats from “red” states like Kansas, where Kerry won only a single county. The reality was the opposite: Some of Dean’s…