Category: Paleoblogs
Happy Rosh Hashana! L’Shana Tovah! Happy New Year!
May your name be inscribed for good in the Book of Life! I understand there is another New Year, celebrated on January 1, but I think we need all the New Years we can get. The Jews actually have two. One is the start of the first month of the Jewish Calendar, in the Spring,…
Terrorism and Appalling Taste
“After Mr. Qaddafi’s renunciation of terrorism and his agreement to end programs to develop unconventional weapons, the United States last year removed Libya from its list of state sponsors of terrorism.”
Deadline Approaches. Bush Unconcerned.
“President George W. Bush and his Democratic foes…fire the opening shots in a long-brewing clash likely to seal the fate of US war strategy….set[ting] the stage for Bush’s critical progress report,…due by September 15.” AFP DKo: So, why is Bush so unconcerned about this deadline bearing down? The answer, say confidants, is he plans to…