Category: Miscellany

  • Mr. Kott-air?

    Jeff Green wonders what we were laughing at, when we were laughing at the Sweat Hogs. All I know is that there was a time “sport shirt on the iceburg” chanted to the beat of a conga line could crack up me and my sibs without fail. Around this time we were equally susceptible to…

  • Packing for New Orleans

    Just checked the weather report for New Orleans today, sunny and dry. B and I have been to Jazz Fest something like eight times in the last decade, and I think we’ve made it there for the last five or six in a row (it gets hard to keep track after a while). We’ve been…

  • Did U.S. troops encourage the looting?

    This site published an allegation that the occupying troops declared open season on looting. Was this a propaganda effort (look! freedom!) that got out of hand? When you couple it with reports that much of the museum looting was “professional” in nature, it looks pretty ugly. (Not as ugly as maimed human beings, but centuries…

  • MFA Mixer in Oakland (April 21)

    a note from Watchword: Please join us this Monday, April 21, for the Second Annual MFA Mixer. Students from 7 Bay Area MFA programs (CCAC, SF State, Mills College, St. Mary’s, New College, USF, Cal State Hayward) are invited to participate in our Happy Hour, Open Mic, and Literary Exchange. The public is welcome to…

  • A narrator in search of a job

    While he’s far from the the smartest man I’ve ever met, and nobody would call him an absolute genius, any blogger who is willing to say that “Scott Baio is my personal hero” deserves some credit. Dan Benjamin is looking for a job.

  • A day without blogging

    Since I started Radio Free Blogistan last July I’d managed to post at least one entry every day, until yesterday. Since I use RFB to aggregate blog posts to a number of different sites, this means that RFB had a continuous calendar running back to its first day. I was kinda proud of this although…