Category: Miscellany
Lucky Ducky strikes again
Tom the Dancing Bug has been having a great old time lampooning the Wall Street Journal’s Lucky Duckies trial balloon that complained about the unfair and progressive U.S. federal income tax.
Guardian takes on "appeasers" meme
The Guardian deconstructs the “Saddam = Hitler” argument (without invoking Godwin’s Law!), and turns the table on the question of who is appeasing whom. We’ll leave deconstructing the specious “Bush = Hitler” protest signs as an exercise for the class.
Gulf War II simulation
Posing as an interactive game (there’s really only one choice, about halfway through, and I suspect it’s a Hobson’s choice), this Flash animation projects a worst-case scenario for the upcoming (ongoing?) Gulf War. [via Nick Denton]
Homeland security specialist career training
Watching late-night TV (Ask Rita), I saw an add for a Homeland security specialist program at NIT schools’ San Jose campus. It started with an American flag and a voice over talking about how 9/11 changed everything. Quick cut to a man in a suit introducing himself and calling himself the “Director of Homeland Security.”…
xian's 115th dream
I think I can safely file this under “blogging too much lately.” I had one of those long, convoluted dreams last night, much of which I can still remember even as the internal dream logic has started to tatter. Near the end, I was in a motel room with Mark Pilgrim. We were discussing Shirky’s…
While you were out (protesting)
The war has already started. The Pentagon was leaking all over the place yesterday that we already have special forces inside Iraq. For example, the Washington Post reported: U.S. Special Operations troops are already operating in various parts of Iraq, hunting for weapons sites, establishing a communications network and seeking potential defectors from Iraqi military…