Category: Radio Free Blogistan

  • Weblog notes exclusionary language in blogs

    A weblog called des femmes is taking writers (usually men) to task for using language, particularly vulgar language related to female body parts, in their blog entries, a practice that she notes tends to discourage some readers (particularly women) from participating in the conversation. In Pleasantly ignorant, she objects to Joshua Micah Marshall’s use of…

  • Query: blogs as primary online interaction tool?

    Nancy White from Full Circle asks (on the Well, in the blog conference): Are any of you familiar with a community of practice that uses a blog or a collection of blogs as their primary form of online interaction tool? If so, I’m very interested in talking to them as part of a tech study…

  • Blogging: What is it and Why Should You Care

    I nearly forgot I’m speaking at the N-TEN regional conference in SF tomorrow (Friday, August 20): N-TEN : 2004 SF Conference: Blogging

  • Scot Hacker's MTBlogMail plugin

    My friend Scot runs a hosting service at and I’ve got a little skunkworks operation over there at I’ve decided that I’m ging to use that domain name and server to begin with for my mailing list needs. I’ve got an list set up and soon I will offer a way for…

  • CIA, Bush in blog flap, says Onion

    The Onion | CIA Asks Bush To Discontinue Blog: On Saturday, Basham asked to pre-screen all blog activity before Bush posts it online. Bush rejected Basham’s request and later that day wrote in his blog that “Some people who shall remain nameless apparently do not know there is such a thing as free speech in…

  • a great six-foot-two hole in my world

    B watched the slideshow today with voiceover by William “Grimey” Grimes and found it sterile. I pointed her to Julie Powell’s much more personal rememberance at The Julie/Julia Project.

  • Do SecState’s usually avoid conventions?

    Can we read anything into this report (Colin Powell will skip GOP convention)? Brings to mind Bill Maher’s recent quip about Keyes running for senator in Illinois, to the effect that the Republicans couldn’t find Osama, couldn’t find weapons of mass destruction, and couldn’t find an African-American in Chicago.

  • Are journalists journalists?

    Duncan Black (aka Atrios) indulges in some rare metablogging at Eschaton: One question I find rather silly is the “is blogging journalism?” question. The fact is, most of what we’ve agreed to collectively call “journalism” isn’t really “journalism” – or, to the extent that it is, much of it isn’t any different from blogging.

  • Tom Tomorrow nails it

    Dan Perkins on blogging the convention (WorkingForChange-This Modern World: The very nice Democratic convention): (via Matt Welch)

  • 'I am proud to call myself a blogger'

    Dan Froomkin gets it (CJR Campaign Desk interview): I am proud to call myself a blogger. Not all blogs need to be all blog things. Typically, a blog is updated around the clock; mine isn’t. Typically a blog is unedited; mine is edited. Typically, a blog includes a lot of personal opinion; mine doesn’t. But…

  • Money quote

    The future doesn’t belong to fear. It belongs to freedom. – John Forbes Kerry

  • John Kerry. reporting for duty

    Kerry looks very happy, energized by the welcome (photos to come), and at ease with the rhetoric of home, hearth, faith, and family. This is his one shot to introduce himself to the sliver of a sliver of the undecideds who are tuned in right now. After this it’s the other convention, the debates, perhaps…

  • Alexandra Kerry humanizes her father

    People critized Teresa Heinz Kerry for giving a substantive speech instead of the “he’s really a good guy” type of speech filled with heart-warming anecdotes. Daughter Alexandra seems to have remedied that situation, particular with her tale of a father giving mouth-to-mouth to his child’s waterlogged hamster. Jeff Jarvis concurs.

  • Dvorak slams con bloggers

    Film at 11. But at least now that Dvorak is himself a blogger, it means that he too must suck.

  • Squeaky wheel gets the juice

    Coincidence or response to my gripes, it doesn’t matter which, but the three blogs featuring most of my convention blogging have finally been added to the Convention Bloggers website, yielding 130 additional readers in the last half day (at this moment – updated stats at the RFB referrer rankings page at Salon). Most of my…

  • Fear itself

    Dave Johnson picks up on a Reuters article on an interesting study of how “fear of death wins votes”: President Bush may be tapping into solid human psychology when he invokes the Sept. 11 attacks while campaigning for the next election, U.S. researchers said on July 29, 2004. Talking about death can raise people’s need…

  • Journalist at work!

    Journalist practicing archaic form of notetaking involving making marks with graphite and wood on wood pulp held together with metallic ring bindings

  • Chivalry dead?

    Alison Teal notices that the bloggers have been fiercely territorial about seating and vantage points in the blogger section, and that there seems to be a politeness differential across the generation gap(s): There is a reserved section on the seventh floor for the bloggers, but I’ve stopped going there. The Internet has been a little…

  • To err is Truman

    Dave Winer is annoyed about journalists mangling his web address. I know how he feels. I’m still sort of annoyed that none of the blogs I’m covering the convention for are included in Dave’s aggregrator. I don’t believe – as Liza suggested in a comment elsewhere – that this is a deliberate oversight. It’s a…

  • Michael Moore’s speech

    Dave Johnson from Seeing the Forest points to this transcript of Michael Moore’s speech from Tuesday: AlterNet: Election 2004: Michael Moore’s Speech in Cambridge, Mass.. I was culling through my notes from that day, so here are some of the highlights, based on my own transcription. To the press: We need you to do your…

  • Movable Type 3.1 will offer more to non-developers than 3.0 did

    The release of Movable Type 3.1 is currently scheduled for August 31: Dynamic PHP publishing, controllable on a per-template basis: You can control whether you publish a dynamic or static page on a per-template basis, letting you balance the publishing and traffic for your weblog. For example, high-demand documents like XML syndication files can be…