Category: Radio Free Blogistan

  • MIT weblog survey results one month overdue

    Come on, guys. I’ve been checking your site daily since September 1: The survey has officially ended, and we are tabulating the results. They should be posted by September 1, 2005, so please check back soon! Thank you for your support, and we will be posting the results shortly. MIT Weblog Survey Team August 19,…

  • Wanted: better Netflix-blog integration

    So I just returned Coffee and Cigarettes and Netflix invites me to give it some stars and maybe review it for my Netflix friends. I guess I can bother to improve their data and their ability to recommend things for me and my friends (not that I’ve ever yet relied on their recommendations), but it…

  • Blogging a yoga conference

    Susan Mernit gave me a head’s up about this wekeend’s YOGA JOURNAL LIVE at ESTES PARK, a conference blog related to The 10th Annual Yoga Journal Colorado Conference (which itself includes a conference-within-a-conference featuring yoga legend Sri B.K.S. Iyengar). The blog is described as “A live conference blog sharing the teaching of BKS Iyengar and…

  • Welcome, Camilo!

    Loyal readers of this weblog may have noticed that we haven’t exactly kept up with the original three-to-seven posts a day pace that I first established in that heady summer of 2002. I’ve been busy with my new job and my other blogs and my other contributors have their own blogs and pursuits distracting them…

  • Reporters without Borders releases blog-censorship handbook

    Via the Beeb: A handbook that offers advice to bloggers who want to protect themselves from recrimination and censors has been released by Reporters Without Borders.

  • New-school anchor blogs the news business

    Brian Williams’ Daily Nightly blog is getting good reviews. (I hope that’s the right link… MSNBC has such fscked up blog URLs.) It makes sense that the anchor to succeed Dan Rather would embrace blogging as a symbol of opening up the newsmaking process. If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.