Category: Radio Free Blogistan

  • On the road again

    Life’s been a little crazy for personal journaling lately, but the pent-up urge to blog is reasserting itself. I flew into JFK on the jetblue redeye last night and have been holed up in the family compound in Manhattan today drinking liquids and recovering. Tomorrow I’ll check out the Tank and the other liberal bloggers…

  • Voting as a social act

    I enjoyed reading Louis (didn’t they call him Luke when he taught literature in New Jersey?) Menand in the New Yorker on how voters decide who to vote for: […] Voters go into the booth carrying the imprint of the hopes and fears, the prejudices and assumptions of their family, their friends, and their neighbors.…

  • The People’s Guide to the Republican National Convention for the Children

    Was the counterconvention this well organized in Boston? Didn’t seem to be. The People’s Guide to the Republican National Convention Note to left-wing marketers: “The People’s anything” is a salesbuster.

  • Blong: beyond the blog

    I think a lot of us are alloying our old ideas about home pages and web publishing with new insights from blogs and wikis and other social media of the living web…

  • Jay Rosen sets up Sky Box blog for RNC

    Jay explains why he calls it Skybox in an entry today. Reminder: I’ll be blogging the RNC myself, for this blog, as well as for Edgewise and The Power of Many. I may even finish my essay for Greater Democracy one of these days.

  • Weblog notes exclusionary language in blogs

    A weblog called des femmes is taking writers (usually men) to task for using language, particularly vulgar language related to female body parts, in their blog entries, a practice that she notes tends to discourage some readers (particularly women) from participating in the conversation. In Pleasantly ignorant, she objects to Joshua Micah Marshall’s use of…